Never doubted him.
>be Paulinho
>leave the joke known as Tottenham
>go to the Best Forever
>win many many titles
>gets paid much more than he would have anywhere else and in fact more than any spurs player in history
>gets laughed at by professional twitter poster as if he stepped down
>meanwhile Tottenham won 0 (zero) titles
>goes to one of the best teams in the world playing with one of the best players in history
>wins the treble
Brazil pls send women with soccer genes to the US pls
It's called football.
imagine how butthurt will sp be when paulinho scores the winning goal in the champions league final
This is where you should start to get better.
always rated him desu
>scores against paella FC
There are alot of good players that come from meme leagues.
I could totally see Lewandoswki passing his whole carrer in the Polish League, but someone from Dirtmund gave him a chance and there he is, the mains striker for Bayern.
They gave him a chance because he was good...
I dont understand your huelogic
Paulinho was the real Neymar replacement.
There are alot of players that excel in their native leagues but won't go to a bigger league, if they did they might progress so much that they could become one of the top players, but we will never know.
I understand you may have seen some of this first hand.
whats exactly your point and how is it related to paulinho
His point, ya dumb moorblood mongrel, is that scouts from these meme teams are shit and just go for the marketed names like Dembele
but paulinho isnt a marketed meme
Barca still on a major decline. Imagine going from winning trebles to getting bailed out vs Getafe by a Chinese league reject. In 4 years Barca will be struggling just go get into the CL.
they need to offload suarez while he's still considered "the best striker in the world"
I'm almost certain you don't watch La Liga regularly, or did last Season or even the Season before
Barca scraping past games like this was common, They dropped points to Deportivo last Season. Le Spanish League isn't competitive meme is only half true. Barca and Real do dominate, but there are some games that are closer than you'd think.
Hell, Real Madrid have drawn their last two and have Real Sociedad next, which isn't easy. Real Sociedad are currently 2nd in the League
He is pretty good
He scored against your mom too ;)
Like beletti?
not at all my friend, Barcelona is still undefeated, and their 6D chess style move of signing a clutch midfielder hiding in the chinese league is paying off. Barcelona was also experimenting with some formation changes as well, so of course they wont look like their usual selves.
Is Paulinho elite?
Oh Wow!
He scored against THE ~~almighty~~ GETAFE I'm so sorry my condolences
>t. Vasco supporter
it still hurts, user?
Lewandowski is a perfect example of a player who is considered "world class" because he plays at a big club.
Before him Bayern had Gomez, Mandzukic and Klose and had more success.
>t. Vasco supporter
>t. anti
Sup Forums why aren't you apologising?
thank you
>Sup Forums in charge of not being wrong
We are literally a board made of arab plastics that don't even watch Football.
It was a good finish
I will remind them...
/asspee/ is too young to remember.
>The nemesis of Getafe
>the quads of Quantalupe