Was going to music the worst mistake he's ever made?

Was going to music the worst mistake he's ever made?

this looks epic what is it?

I didn’t care about his channel but I loved his goof-offs with edups and friends. Now their collabs won’t happen anymore

I give him less than two years until suicide

I don't like filthy frank much, I semi like joji

like his comedy, his music is for edgy upper-middle-class white high schoolers who play fortnite and browse reddit. no real artistic value

Stop being racist

He said he lost passion for doing comedy. It would have been a bigger mistake to do something he no longer enjoys.

nothing wrong with giving it a shot. He's got his following. he'll probably be able to afford rent or something at the least for the next 20 plus years . he'll be alright

>his music is for edgy upper-middle-class white high schoolers who play fortnite and browse reddit

Implying his comedy wasn't for those people too

his videos were just as bad

But he said that about the comedy as well
>like his comedy,

His worst mistake is totally abandoning comedy not doing music more
And I don't even think he's funny

Did he really have a choice tho'?

I can't imagine him making money on youtube in the current demonitization age...

>Now their collabs won't happen anymore
Why not?

He has a reputation to keep up as that asian fag who makes generic lo-fi faux sad music. He can't be doing that when he's eating a cake with hair in it

i think you mean singing. he's always been in music, when he started "singing" was when he lost me

He looks like such a fucking dork going for this sad boy look.

seriously if Sup Forums hates him why do i see a thread about him almost everyday?

>made a bunch of memes for edgy 13 y/o boys
>got throat tissue damage
>transition to music which he's been passionate about since forever
>tons of adoring fans
>"WaS MUsIc The WorsT mIstAke He eVer maDE?!?!"
Man, his music is bland but I don't think he's worth making a thread every 3 minutes so you can get a circle-jerk going on and get a bunch of (You)s for your shattered self-esteem. Enough with 1 thread per day please.

>Was going to music
He was a music channel before he was a comedy channel. His original channel was called Dizasta Music and he created Filthy Frank as a meme to help advertise it. But then it ended up being more popular than the channel itself so he made FilthyFrankTV. He's always had a passion for music.

he doesn't have to do le filthy frank voice since it's fucking up his voice and shit, i just wanna see him hanging out and being funny with his friends. his videos with max and idubbz filled a hole that jackass left behind

Agreed, if he wasn't already known as a meme you cocksuckers would be eating his shit up

i respect him for making the decision to do what he loves, was a fan of his fun collabs with ian and ethan and max, not a big fan of his music

but no, his worst mistake would have been doing something he hated like another user mentioned

>Started off as a complete trashy jokester
>Starts to take music seriously
>Now wants to be taken seriously

Is Joji the new Nino Ferrer ?