Why does the Chinese Communist Party still claim to be communist even though they don't care about communism anymore?

Why does the Chinese Communist Party still claim to be communist even though they don't care about communism anymore?

They don't claim to be communist. You made that up. They call it [spoiler]socialism[/spoiler] with Chinese characteristics.

This would be ideological betrayal view by Mao.

Appearance sake; Deng Xiaoping thought they would lose legitimacy by dropping references to socialism and Mao. Even though the CCP in practice rejected Maoism after the 70s, they had to at least pretend he wasn't an incompetent nutcase who killed millions.

>They don't claim to be communist.

I suppose you forgot about the part where 'communist' is still in their name

It's sort of how your party called itself "Republican" but gladly sells itself out to Oligarchical ideals.

it's the only communist about it

This. The CCP are literal national socialists. A nationalist can't really go around shitting on their nation's most famous leader.

Because it makes it easier to justify encroaching on personal liberties and maintaining a single-party government.

This. It's all about continuity. They only pay lip-service to their founding ideals.

Do they really believe they are building socialism, or is this just a big pretense the CCP puts on

just like the liberals being against actual liberalism and being for socialism

America lexicon is just bunked up. What we call liberalism is actually progressivism. What we call conservatism is actually liberalism.

Mostly as an excuse to implement odd laws or for censorship, "we have this new law to protect the ideals of socialism" or something like that.

Because America was founded as a liberal state, so Conservatives are trying to 'conserve' that liberalism.

>American liberals are for socialism
What was meant by this?

They are still totalitarians, which is 100% communism. Communism is not about egalitarianism, altruism or about making the world a better place. It's only about ideology and politics.

Still, American "progresives" would be considered right of center at best in most of the world. In Mexico Democrats would be even further to the right than what we consider neanderthal conservatives.

And their land laws, all lands belong to the people hence the party which allows their city council hax mode sim city town planning.

How's that going for you, MĂ©jico?

Nationalism took precedence over 'workers of the world', but their goal of improving the quality of life corresponds with the continuation of the regime; and as long as QoL keeps increasing there's no reason to rock the boat (especially since the punishments for doing so include being executed and having your organs sold for cheap)

Most citizens are totally removed from political discourse but recognize that their media is bullshit; but solves more problems than it causes
Low ranking party members see themselves as cogs in a generally positive machine that's entirely out of their control
Never spoke to higher party members, but the foreign service uni students are all very exposed to western thought - and are likely influenced to some degree by it, but as people of higher social class don't really identify to the peoples struggle any more than a Kissingeresque geopolitical interest where they know they're pro-Chinese interest simply because they're Chinese

source - English Teacher

Let's see, we've had no juntas, military coups or totalitarian regimes in nearly a century and I don't have to fear a cop shooting me. Not a bad record for the region tbqh.

South American style right wing dictatorships would be just as corrupt and incompetent and wouldn't do shit when it comes to drug war violence so all things considered I'd say we are doing all right with that airland. We still live with thieving politicians but at least we've got free public college and universal healthcare.

>I don't have to fear a cop shooting me

I saw a webm on krautchan the other day of a Mexican narco beheading some dude with a dull handsaw while reggaeton plays in the background

wasn't a cop and nobody got shot