

I went to France.
But I don't suffered by fucking stupid syndrome.

>Go to Paris
They deserve it

Good posts.

>going to Paris


That's sad

france is a shithole and full of niggers and smelly frogs, come to italy and spend your money here, here it's beautiful

>france is a shithole and full of niggers
>come to italy and spend your money here
Italians are North African rape babies. You're Southern European niggers. Get off the fucking high horse.

Lmao nigger don't go to Paris, go to Strasbourg or some something but not Paris or Marseille

And Italy is a shithole full of garbage ridden cities

come here, southern europe is best europe, come here tourist, france is a shithole

Italy is also full of blacks and poo in loos , every hotel that isn t 4 or 5 stars is complete shit


stupido mangiabaguette, vai a mangiarti il tuo formaggio avariato e il tuo vino annacquato

not true, come here and visit, tourist come here france is a shithole, italy is beautiful

Our cheese is better than yours too

ahahahahah el parigiANO seniores

se la muffa fosse oro, sai la francia che tesoro

Why is France so fucking weak?

>france mentioned
>thread becomes filled with other romance flags
really made me think

No one even knows about your stupid country

Jesus man, don't get triggered by just a joke

french "men" are sissy slutbois


France is the best romance country

There is also the Japan Syndrome

anime fags go there and believe women are cute but they're overall disgusting

people simply have to not be retarded and no trust tv

they're western europeans germaniggers, not romance

don't talk to me or my little colombia ever again


so is this the reason of all the shitposts?

I wonder if there's something opposite
Like when people go to some African/Eastern European/South American/Asian shithole but it turns out it's actually not a shithole at all

Paris syndrome is a meme
>old people fainting after a long trip
>wow, what a phenomenon

>but they're overall disgusting

not even really