Does Sup Forums rate him?

Does Sup Forums rate him?

good rapper imo

He is great at ad libs and always brings the energy.
Maybe the weakest TDE member
K Dot>Ab-Soul>Jay Rock> Schoolboy Q

>Being this wrong
Kendrick > School > Ab-Soul > Jay

>Putting Jay at the end
Not sure if gay or just really white


jay rock got FAT
sage for slight offtopic

No. He's b-b-b-b-black you imbecile

How the fuck do you live with yourself putting AB Soul anywhere but the bottom?

K.Dot > Schoolboy > Jay >>>>>>>>> AB Soul

t. never heard Illuminate

Wowie one half baked song that sure makes up for the utter mediocrity I've heard from him otherwise.

More accessible than Kendrick (before DAMN. at least) and has a good mixture of club bangers, street anthems and dark introspective moments. After delving deeper into Kendrick they can’t really compare, but he was my favorite TDE member for a time and he’s still at #2 for me

i loved control system but everything after that was trash
didn't help that schoolboy shot off like a rocket and jay got his own niche
if ab stuck to his own thing instead of looking for a big signing from a label he'd be okay

This, Ab-soul is absolutely bottom-tier and I don't know how anyone could rate him anywhere near Jay, Q, or Kendrick or really any of the other TDE artists

Official TDE ratings are

Kendrick> Isaiah Rashad > Q > SZA > Jay Rock > Ab-soul

If you have a lyricism fetishist ab-soul>kendrick>Jay rock>schoolboy>isiaiah

If we're talking best artist kendrick>isiaiah>schoolboy>ab-soul>Jay rock

fav rapper probably for the last 5 years or so, Yay yay and Fuck LA always get me pumped


t. non woke

Could you say he's bringing back true gansta rap?

above kendrick but below 69

Ab has some cool songs and good feats but yeah he is clearly inferior

>If you have a lyricism fetishist ab-soul>kendrick