Can we get a discussion on this kino?

Can we get a discussion on this kino?
Pico related.

what's the to discuss?
it's bad
end of story

I remember watching this in theater and some guy laughed every time Somali got killed (so p much the whole film). And because we Finns are retarded no one said anything. One of the weirdest kino times for me, ok film, nothing special.

haha somali getting fugged :DDDD

Delta Force rules

Fuck Somalia

U.S.A. #1

W-what do you want to discuss

>this is my safety

What did he mean by this?

his firearm doesn't need a safety catch because of his immense amount of training with said firearm

corny actors ruined this movie

why do you think none of the actors have appeared in anything since?

With that being said the ost and the action scenes are kino tier

what was the primary means of air transport in this movie?

It's like a Bresson film in the sense that You don't have actors and characters. You just have a dance of flesh and firepower, and lot of blood and in the end that's what these sort of skirmishes are on the first hand.

There are many, surprisingly painting like impressionistic shots hidden here and there that barely register unless you pay attention.

Plays like a by the books propaganda film. Kill 1000 Muslim terrorists in your movie, have Oooh Rah stereotypes everywhere, but at least make it believable. It's completely on the nose and melodramatic.

This and Gladiator are probably Sir Ridley Scott's most universally acclaimed films.

BHD literally changed the "operator/war" genre so much, that nowadays they all try to be BHD in some way.

The cinematography, sound editing and actions scenes are literally still the best up to this date.

Granted, it has some minor flaws, which are easily ignored. Some accents arent great, and sometimes the "glory" seems overdone, but its all in the context of the character's own stories, not in the general theme of the film.

Meaning that this is an anti-war film (anti-intervention).

People who dislike BHD are usually women, numales and betas.

>Hartnett's character the lead moral compass looks back at the conflict in disgust/hate and points at its circulus vitiosus nature where nothing changes and gets accomplished



Numale detected

Saw it a weak ago.

Expected at least decent war movie, got something straight out of South Park or GTA ingame TV.

The only good thing about this flick is all the familliar faces.

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Not even close. Michael Bay made a modern war film with more subtlety.

I loved it but there's no denying it's dreadful. Guilty pleasure, sorry anons.

If you turn off your brain, this is a fun movie... but the historical inaccuracies are glaring, and the sheer American-ness of it is just startling

Yes I'm a buthurt European; but don't Americans ever get bored of seeing the same tired cliches of themselves. Can't your war movies have a more nuanced view of your history?

Hell you guys made Band of Brothers and yet you produce this garbage

It's the equivalent of bald eagles carpet bombing Iraq for 2 hours. Entertaining but fucking ridiculous.

This If you had included Alien in Ridley's most acclaimed films

Post some.

You only read picture books don't you?

Last book I read was Aristophanes' Lysistrate play :v)

I don't have any on me, sorry.

Meh. It was an okay action flick, but nothing special. And certainly not kino by any stretch of the imagination.

Sure it was user

>none of the actors have appeared in anything since
>tom hardy
>josh hartnett
>orlando bloon
>ewan mcgregor
>eric bana
>william fichtner
>jason isaacs
>sam shepard
>kim coates
>zeljko ivanek
>nickolaj coster waldau
>jeremy piven
>ty burrell

this cast has more or less dominated anything on a screen since the release of this movie. 2/10 made me reply

Agreed but also the cause of the problem. Too many stars makes for a clusterfuck of spotlights.

its called an ensemble. and half of them were pretty much unknowns at that point.
>mcgregor before star wars
>bloom before LOTR
>kim coates before SOA
>waldau before GOT
>burrell before modern family
>piven before entourage
>hardy before big guy

True, problem is they're all decent actors and all up-and-comers so they either get too much or not enough each so it becomes bland which is how it felt to me.

Same reason I don't like the later X-Men films, although that's the flip-side in the fact everyone's an attention whore.

They get exactly enough to serve their purpose, he isn't pandering to viewer looking for WOW DAE ACTORS. It's much more abstract than that.


I only remember the part where those two guys are lost and they can't hear shit

I think hugh dancy was the medic

>war overwhelmed the soldiers and made them deaf to everything else in the moment

pure poetry
fucking kino