The man who sang "imagine no possessions" lived a millionaire's life in a posh New York hotel

>the man who sang "imagine no possessions" lived a millionaire's life in a posh New York hotel
>the man who sang "imagine no religion" was obsessed with every spiritual and New Age fad that came his way, including Hindu meditation, the I-Ching, and astrology of all kinds
>the man who sang "all you need is love" was a bitter, violent, and angry man who abused his family and friends
>the man who praised having "nothing to kill or die for" helped finance and publicize radical groups who extolled the use of violence
really makes you go HMMMMM

Other urls found in this thread:

Well he was only imagining it.

Yeah he was literal human trash. His philosophy and ideals were absolute shit. He wrote good music though. Not as good as Paul, but certainly better than many of his contemporaries.

>helped finance and publicize radical groups who extolled the use of violence


None of the heavily Indian, pseudo-spiritual Beatles tracks hold up. Holy fuck the sitar is an annoying instrument.


i really think they were best when they were making music with lyrics that sound like an acid trip

youre a fucking retard


Well, they were certainly an improvement over songs about letting a girl drive your car.


What a pleb opinion lmao

but you souldnt have bought one and boycott apple if you think they are doing somethin gwrong

top post, lad. have one more (You)

Go to bed Yoko


the man who sang 'Happiness is a warm gun.'

Ethical smartphones are almost entirely non-existent, last time I looked there was like 1 start up trying to make them.

OK Mark.
You heard the bell.
Everybody must leave the yard, and go back to their cells for head count.

>the man who sang "shoot me" didn't like it when someone shot him
what a piece of shit

There's nothing wrong with being a hypocrite. I honestly believe that people who value any kind of integrity have something wrong with their heads. What do you gain from standing up to something you think or believe in? s m h

It doesn't make me go anything don't tell me how to think fucktard

perhaps he understood those things

you say this as a joke but that's kinda how i view the song desu, i don't think he's talking about himself at all so that kinda makes any of the contradictions irrelevant

This exactly is why the song is hated. He doesn't say "possessions are terrible, embrace freedom and communism." He says "think for yourself" people hate that.

How much do you want to bet OP doesn't actually care about any of the things Lennon advocated and is some alt right shitter who thinks he's totally destroying le left?



John became disillusioned with religion after going to India and meeting the con man maharishi.

He even wrote a song making fun of religion and bob dylan who converted to Christianity

You say you found Jesus Christ;
He's the only one.
You say you've found Buddha,
Sittin' in the sun.
You say you found Mohammed,
Facin' to the East.
You say you found Krishna,
Dancin' in the streets.
Well there's somethin' missing in this God Almighty stew,
And it's your mother, (your mother, don't forget your mother, lad.)
You got to serve yourself,
Ain't nobody gonna do it for you.
You got to serve yourself,
Ain't nobody gonna do it for you.

if someone wrote this song today they would get tarred alive.

>if someone wrote this song today they would get tarred alive.
I doubt that.


Never meet your heroes.

>if someone wrote this song today they would get tarred alive.
Wot m8? You don't have to look too long to find a song that's anti religious.


Lol, imagine the clickbait

"john lennon disrespects the brown people"

Bullshit. People can be critical of Islam the religion, especially in the context of bashing all religion. That song would get zero backlash today.

People get called out for bashing "Islam" when they're using that as a convenient cover to scaremonger about immigration or to shit on Arabic people.

The man who wrote "When I'm 64" never reached 64

Top kek

None of this is a secret. I don't know why you fags keep dwelling on it year after year.

>thinks John wrote When I’m Sixty Four

great hot take desu

Lul. If a drug addict tells you to not consume drugs because it's bad, you would still do it because he is an hypocrite ? Well, this is the same thing.

top kek

I’m so glad he got shot.

now that I think about it, is Lennon the original Fedora ?
>radical positions on the political compass while enjoying comfort of moms basement
>is atheist but makes it an absolute truth
>praises euphoria and gentlemandom while fetishizing weapons and submissive japanese cartoon female characters
>praise science, progress and rationality while doing all that is mentioned above.

>beat his wife
>hated homos
>hated poor people
> a"ll you need is love"

and then he later got killed by a religious nut so he wasn't wrong



he's still right. paul is dead

Go back to




Did you know that John Lennon beat his wife?

Did you know that John Lennon married his punching bag?

To be fair Gotta Serve Somebody is still a far better song regardless of whether you agree with the lyrics or not.

>married his punching bag

So did he beat women after writing Getting Better as well?

i really really like this post

really make you think


But he's right

This picture pretty much describes this site in general.

OP contemplating suicide


The post that ruined OP's life

>Sup Forums massively overreacts to a moderately amusing post again
Include me in the screencap reddit

>be John Lennon
>move to America
>get shot

Sup Forums has no memes so they settle for this shit instead

t. noose tutorial vid open in other tab after getting btfo


He was a good friend.




include me in a screencap of this
i fucked a cow once



Which contemporaries? Are you aware what a fertile ground for experimentation the 60's were? The Beatles were hardly the most imaginative band at the time.

>Holy fuck the sitar is an annoying instrument.
Go listen to Ravi Shankar for a start.

Librem 5?

i know, right? name a bigger phony

I agree

you don’t need a smartphone, a computer sure but you’ll be perfectly fine with a basic cellphone if you’re really that upset about apple abusing some chinks

As much as I love shitting on John Lennon, these are mostly strawmen.

He said "imagine", not "follow my example".

iphones are not as important as the other 2 things