Does Western Europe have any traditionalist groups like the Amish?

Does Western Europe have any traditionalist groups like the Amish?

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there's some sort of traditionalist sect in the Netherlands, I think they're some sort of Ultra-Reformed

German Amish merged with their Mennonites, and both German and Dutch Mennonites are super cucked.

Yes, we do

No, we don't have inbreds.

t. Mamadou

Only mutts, yes

Do they reject technology?
Statistically you do because of all the non-Whites you've been letting in.

Yes, they teach in school that rock music is an invention of the devil.
They're pretty much harmless though, and although they're a bit backwards they just keep to their own morals and don't try to force others to follow them.

>Do they reject technology?

if your conception of Amish is that they "reject technology" you're not really fit to hold up a discussion about traditionalist Christian sects

yeah, it's called conservative parties.

I didn't mean traditionalist Christian. I meant traditionalist lifestyle. They could be gnostics for all I care.

I just did a project for my finals about the Amish and there is a small one in Ireland but otherwise no. They were persecuted and had to flee to America for a reason. Their lifestyle is not possible here

>Their lifestyle is not possible here
That's sad. What is the small group of Irish like?

I wasn't talking about theology I meant from a societal structure. Amish views on technology reflect their views of their place in society

they're Beachy Amish, a kind of larpish Evangelical sect. They converted a few people in Ireland

The Netherlands has entire cities and villages run by hardcore Christians.

They are more modern than Amish though. They don't reject technology, but just try to minimize all unnecessary bullshit, like tv's.
They refuse to get vaccinations, because if you believe in God then you won't get sick. And getting sick is the will of God.
You can't even go wash your car or go swimming on sunday.
They want to ban women from voting.
They want the death penalty back.
They support a full monarchy, to prepare for the return of Jesus Christ, so that Jesus can become our King once he returns to eath.

No, we only have Staroveri (Old believers), but it's actually only about Orthodox rites, they do it in more Greek/Byzantium style.

for the most part they got chased out of europe for being religious weirdos 2bh.

What are the most notable cities? Do they have a high fertility rate?

I saw on powned the village Elspeet wants to ban parties lol.

Please tell me more. Which cities for example?

>They refuse to get vaccinations, because if you believe in God then you won't get sick. And getting sick is the will of God.

Interesting, to clarify for most readers here as, I see it is a common misconception, Amish don't have any issue with vaccinations or any form of medical care. Though they don't believe in medical insurance


Yeah they have a high fertility rate. The hardcore Christians own the biggest political party in 15 places.

>Rijssen-Holten, Staphorst, Urk, Barneveld, Ede, Neder-Betuwe, Nunspeet, Rhenen, Alblasserdam, Korendijk, Krimpen aan den IJssel, Reimerswaal, Tholen, Goedereede and Molenwaard

But they are spread among many more cities. In for example Elspeet and Uddel hardcore protestants form a majority of the people.
And then you have places like Genemuiden and who knows what else.

>They want the death penalty back.
nothing wrong with that

List of places where the party that wants to ban female politicians was the biggest in the national elections in 2017.

kek they live on the outskirts of the floody parts

In the south they live on the border between the Catholic Netherlands and the Protestant Netherlands. Which is separated by two rivers and hardcore Christians.

In the center they live on the border of the foreigner filled western cities of the Netherlands (also known as the Randstad) and the rural east of the Netherlands.

>Which is separated by two rivers and hardcore Christians.

It must be funny to see them fighting

We had the rare good sense to get rid of all ours and fuck them off to the Americas

In the Netherlands all schools are publicly funded, even religious schools. So people are free to indoctrinate their children all they want.

When people think the Netherlands is a haven for liberals, they don't realize we're also a haven for people with other beliefs. We still have hardcore Christians, we still have Nazi's and other things. Unlike many other European countries. And nobody cares. The Christians well usually treated with respect here.

Christian sanctioned parties for kids.

With the obligatory confessions and praying togheter which you don't really see in this clip.