I wish I was Canadian :(

I wish I was Canadian :(

Thank God i'm Texan :^)

What's good about that? You're on the inhospitable subtropics. Clearly inferior to the cool and balmy weather of Canada.


For what it's worth I don't wish I was Hungarian.

Is there a more "ehhh, it's ok, I guess" country in the world than Hungary?

Half my country is made up of plains and steppes, it's nothing special. But it's the humid tropical weather that makes Texas inhospitable. I yearn for the rainy, mellow weather of Vancouver, being surrounded by endless forests and nature.

Come on over! Think we'll take just about anyone but it ain't no bed of roses here friend.

same here

>tropical weather
You old worlders are a special kind of stupid

>I yearn for the rainy, mellow weather of Vancouver, being surrounded by endless forests and nature.

a house in vancouver costs a million usd
how much is a house in hungary?

what you should want is a place close to vancouver

I'd love to. I'm still figuring out the details how to. I know it's not all sunshine and rainbows over there either, but I really like your country. That you care about preserving the environment. That Canadians are friendly and optimistic.

You're practically on the same latitude as Cairo in Egypt. It's subtropical.

>how much is a house in hungary?
It varies wildly. In smaller towns you can get a semi decent one around 65000 Euros. In larger cities the price is usually two or three times as much, or even more. It matters little, most millenials could never afford to buy one, so like 60% of us still live with our parents, the rest are holed up in flats and such, renting. The only way you'll get a house if your parents have one built for you ie: be rich, or through inheriting.

>what you should want is a place close to vancouver
I'm open to other options, of course. I just heard that Vancouver has the most similar climate to Europe's. Plus was BTFO'd by the beauty of British Columbia. But I wouldn't be averse to moving to Québec or something either, if I had to.


>Wanting to be a leaf when Hungary has THIS

This guy is right specially if you moving in city you are gonna hate the traffic its bad.

You could do a work visa and apply for work in places like Banff Alberta and Whistler BC. Lots of Australians primarily leaving as the government made some changes to work visas this year so there is opportunity to at least come over and try it out.

British Columbia is definitely where you want to be, Vancouver is just super pricey. Look at places in Port Moody or New Westminster, which are just a drive away from the big city.

>Banff Alberta and Whistler BC

Yeah, there are a lot of touristy villages like this in Canada which hire on temporary foreign staff.

Okay, so Québec is a no-no.

Yeah she's gorgeous. However in Hungary you can see hot girls like her almost every day just by walking to the grocery store.

Thanks guys for the advice, I'll definitely check these out. Might I ask you what are some important things that a foreigner should know about Canadian customs? And if there's anything that one should watch out for?

This is actually not what I posted but luckily it's close enough.

No guns, knives, pepper spray, brass knuckles, other weapons or munitions or explosives. Meat products are a definite no no. Just bring your clothes, camera, electronics. All good. Customs can search your gear and that includes logging into your computer and phone so no child porn or beastiality or nefarious messages that may belie why you have come. If you have all your paperwork though, you'll probably not have any issues but just in case.
I imagine its similar to your own country since your under the EU.

Its bretty gud here, would recommend

I am hungry.

uh, I meant like social faux pas and such, not border control but thanks :D

>No guns, knives, pepper spray, brass knuckles, other weapons or munitions or explosives.
ayy lmao, i'm not Bruce Willis from Die hard, I don't even have this stuff here at home
>Meat products are a definite no no
I'm guessing here you mean raw meat and not a ham&cheese sandwich?
>no child porn or beastiality or nefarious messages that may belie why you have come.
Eww. That's disgusting.
>I imagine its similar to your own country since your under the EU.
Pretty much.

>social faux pas and such
Your a foreigner and can get away with much as long as you are always showing respect and politeness, your differences will probably attract people to you.

>ham&cheese sandwich
Far as I know, no food from outside the airport. Once your past security load up, eat and try to enjoy the flight if you can.

>Bruce Willis from Die hard
Americans try it all the time. Was just in the news because it happens so frequently. Oh and no drugs, marijuana will be legal here in July 2018 but customs isn't cool about that sort of thing.