What does turkish sounds like to you?


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I'm not listening to that trash but I'm around Turkish quite a bit, but I don't understand it.

It sounds like Farsi except a lot more aspirated.

I've never heard anything like it

does it sound pleasant to ear?

Every language I don't understand sounds pleasant when spoken by a woman and pure gibberish and trash when spoken by a man.

I guess, it sounds like a very soft language compared to German or Russian

I like it.

oglim bu yarraktan tiradı niye açtın şimdi 2-3 tane gerzek gelip fransızca arapça diye saçmalayacak

Actually quite nice

I'll be quite honest it sounds pretty awful. It sounds like they just make random noises very quickly

pretty nice but I think any language sounds nice since my native language is the ugliest on the planet

>300k dislikes
why so many dislikes?


many teen girls are jealous of her. she was a nobody 2 years ago and rose to fame very quickly


They played this at my local kebab shop, I dig it

>my local kebab shop
jeez, even in Finland?

How could you identify the song?

Helsinki, there aren't that many of them here either though

Turkish is the most beautiful language I've ever heard.

It is too unique - for the women, soft and feminine, very sexy (although I know a Turkish women would never go for a white boy like myself).

However even still masculine Turkish doesn't sound rough, yet it sounds very manly and I would let a Turkish man fuck my white girlfriend any day.

A Turkish sentence is like a song :).


Jeez what the fuck is wrong with this country

No it sounds barbaric.

post Turkish rock music, bls

There's at least one in every town or village. It's not a new phenomena they've been here since the 90s