There will never be a real francosphere to rivalize with the anglosphere that include more than France...

>there will never be a real francosphere to rivalize with the anglosphere that include more than France, Québec an some nigger shitholes

It actually makes me sad

The "Anglosphere" is a giant meme that doesn't exist at all.

do you want someone to pat you on the head and tell you everything is going to be alright?

>poland will never be a part of francosphere
>we will never bow down to god emperor macron, the reincarnation of napoleon

No I want to complain and shitpost with other frenchies about how much we hate anglos

I think the Aussies have a bit of an affinity for the Brits.

You'd be quite surprised truth be told.

Acadia, Québec, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Louisiane, St. Pierre & Miquelon.
You're right though, the Anglosphere boasts some of the wealthiest, most powerful, and best countries on earth. No one else compares.


it definitely exists in canada

o right
carry on, robert.

That's actually a pretty cool flag, of course it's a bit complicated but at least every relevant anglo nation is represented, pretty good.

>tfw you'll never charge the coallition's lines, Polish lancers at your side

>implying Louisiana still speak french and Romandie&Wallonie identify as french

Here, I tried to make a Francosphere flag for you. It includes Acadiana, Acadia, France, Québec, and St. Pierre & Miquelon
>Vive le monde franco

Maybe this condescending attitude is why you don't have a cohesive Francosphere to rival that of the Anglos.

How is that condescending?

the state of it

Nice one m8 but
>Acadania, Acadia

Are these places even inhabited by /fr/anks anymore ?

Isn't he right though ?

I feel like Quebec are our only true bros in this world, and they aren't even independent (yet..)

We are being followed by the cucks? Fuck why can't it be the Aussies? It would be cooler.

You forgot Wallonie and Romandie
And why include Acadia? Isn't it in Québec ?
Also the acadiana flag is wrong, the castle part is the Castillan flag which owned Louisiana at the time and accepted the cadiens on their land

It's far more likely that each member is spying on the other and trading information that way to get around domestic privacy laws.

Can't speak for Acadiana, but yes, the Acadiens in New Brunswick are still very French, and are the only ones that have forced constitutional bilingualism on the Anglos, despite being outnumbered more than 2:1

The castle is currently part of the Acadiana flag, I drew it from there. The Acadians are centred in New Brunswick with populations in Québec (though absorbed into the Québecois) and northern Maine.

Canada is the only REAL anglo or francophonie country left. We're the only one who has both halves. Other countries in the Anglosphere don't know the joys and fury it's like to have banter with hostile french speaker like a true proper Anglo. Except the UK but they suck you off and lost their backbone.

The point is that the Anglosphere does exist, at least in terms of long trusted allies.

If your country doesn't force millions of French to live under Her Majesty's reign while at the same time forcing millions of Anglos to be surrounded by français in all aspects of life at great public cost then it is neither truly French or Anglo.
God save the Queen et vive le Canadiens-français

>tfw no quebexicans to oppress

Tomorrow I will mail a large version of this picture to a random address from the Québec phone book for you.

French colonies were Rhodesia'd way earlier, which is why there's no developed Francosphere.

>Haiti was conquered by niggers, NapoopaN was too busy in Europe to retake it
>Louisiana was sold to finance Napoleon's wars for almost nothing
>Québec was given to the British so the French could keep the more lucrative but tiny Caribbean islands
>Algeria was invaded by sub-saharan niggers and was blacked, so the French BLM were able to claim Algeria belonged to them and they were being oppressed by the French
>France's other colonies (Michigan, Florida, Central America) were all conquered, within years of them being set up, by Spain or Britain
>Indochina was Francified but the French withdrew instead of getting rid of the natives in the 50's

you're doing the lord's work my friend god bless

it's not condescending at all if it's true

i've seen some americans in new england celebrate their french roots and go "you don't need to know french to celebrate your roots" which is quite sad


I hear you've got your own version of the Commonwealth Games, though it's a bit crap.