>just found out my childhood friend is a camwhore
im gonna drown myself in franzia now, recommend some films that could me forget Sup Forums
>just found out my childhood friend is a camwhore
im gonna drown myself in franzia now, recommend some films that could me forget Sup Forums
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i dont know what your definition of camwhoring is in 2016 but tightening a necktie does not count
And this is bad somehow? I would KILL for this to happen to me
i bet its that gypsy thing on the left because right is too cute to be such a fags friend
>Friend I probably don't talk to or have in my life anymore earns easy money from losers playing vidya, talking and half-assedly showing her tits/ass/pussy/cleav
oh well seems like a good excuse to drink shit wine and post a thread on tv because i don't agree with someone else's life choices
>Buying cheap shitty wine and drinking alone at home.
What kind of loser are you?
Drink at the bar by yourself and be the best kind of loser.
You think that's messed-up, my blood-aunt is one of the better known pornstars, I jerk off to her videos. It feels so wrong, and yet so-fucking-good.
>not blackmailing her to have sex with you
If you dont fuck her youre a fag for real
I'm so jelly.
Is she stupid? Those sites all have options to block your home state or country if you are from a shitty country that doesn't have states.
Yeah, LOL, let me tell you her stage name so you can tweet this thread at her.
Found this girl I knew in HS on Cam4 once. Fapped, then messaged her about it. She blocked me on facebook after that.
You're a lying faggot.
>tfw most girls I went to high school with that went down the easy mode route either became strippers or prostitutes
None of them were privy enough to the internet to get into camwhoring.
More like masturbate profusely
Ya blew it.
If she's working in California the you can not only fuck her, you could marry her.
Jodi West
Saw my friends sister on the nude run pictures from USC
Jesus christ you whiny fucking faggot get a grip
I'm guessing she's on the right? You should be drowning your sorrows over the fact that you're such a poor judge of character that you'd still be attached to some dullard whore at this stage of your lack of relationship. Anyone with half a brain cell would have known to jump ship from that emotional trainwreck and be proud of themselves for having done it.
Lies. If it's true tell her to stop half assing it and say son and mom.
Yeah, not OP faggot.
was this the one back in like march?
nah a few years ago
i never told anyone, she looked worse than id imagined, and seeing her being a degenerate ruined her innocent charm she had back when
damn i'm guessing your friend never found out huh
>tfw fiance wants us to wear masks and fuck on camera as a side job
>tfw want to pay off car loan so bad I'm seriously considering it
I don't think she realizes making good money fucking on camera isn't as easy as porn makes it seem
I have a cushy office job I'm 80% sure I'd lose if word got out I was half of a camwhore couple
not unless he was cunning like me and looked up the USC nude photos hoping that shed be there
they can't fire you user that'd be slut shaming
Are you a faggot or did you mean "fiancée"?
You have fucking autism friendo. like stalker autism.
Just trying to browse some dank Sup Forums memes and I have to see this bizarre r9k bullshit/
fuck off dude. You're so fundamentally flawed mentally I doubt ANYONE will ever touch you.
Idk if it's changed, but I knew a girl back in 2008 who cleaned up doing webcamming.
I'm not saying do it, though. That sounds liek a shit idea.
ahaha roastie BTFO
>Hurr I went on a nude run how dare anyone look at the pictures
im not french sry
Your job is not a job worth staying in.
Although yeah, unless you two are both hot and kinky as fuck, probably not going to pull in great money. For pure cash rather than a career, she'd be better off findomming. Also less embarrassing/ "revealing" if exposed (limited nudity, no actual sex)
>camwhores in my family
>they let me edit their wishlists so I get free shit from their beta orbiters
>furnished my entire apartment with beta money
Grrrrr, even the non-French should know French.
Anyways tonight tell her that you're sorry and that you finally know to adress her as a "fiancéE". She'll be charmed!
Longshot and not really related, but asking before this porn thread's deleted- Anyone know if Mistress/ Goddess Selena (Also Winona West, I think) still makes femdom pov stuff?
Haven't seen anything that looks "New" in a while. Only watch free stuff but for some reason I'm getting nostalgic for her and can't find anything that's less than a few years old