/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends

autism edition

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thats because erdog is using old mussolini politics mixed with islam to get what he wants.
Especially with that ''one people, one nation, one flag'' bullshit

i forgot to add
that kind of politics is very popular with semi-dictators currently, there are many politicians with erdog like mindset


You should've populated it more if you really wanted it frog

good post

I can't decide for the king 3 centuries later though

Blow it out your ass

christ not again


God I hate niggers


can't bear to watch this shit anymore desu
just raises my blood pressure


Really makes me think

who has the boob?

The bottom's shirt is still buttoned

was wondering the same, it doesn't look like it's from the top and it can't possibly be from the bottom

native american

Americans repeat the same mistake.

Does liking muscle girls make you gay?

absolutely cancerous thread
post some music or food or something

Look behind the arm, on the top, there's a part of it
Top one has the boobs




Why is /dixie/ so slow? Isn't it american hours right now?


Arkansas is probably smoking or playing D&D, that's the only time I ever see him not posting on Monday

just a slow day, it happens

I don't remember giving anyone permission to post my wife

>tfw no symmetra gf

>green or brown eyes
Absolutely non-white

This ain't the place for you bean boi

Really wish this underage b& Texan would fuck off to /semen/

How do you know he's underage?

Still one more day til my ban is over so i'm here until then gay

I just do


Ha ha dick see

Good post though

they control half of YouTube
it can't be helped

good, an autistic OP for an autistic thread

I'm too busy binging on EU4 and apple pie, trying to make the most out of the last day before classes start back up

Can Alberta into /dixie/?

Wow I can't believe Pickle Rick became King of Westeros.

Isn't she literally autistic?

That makes it better.

You're like Montana but tainted with Godless socialism

I'm not actually Albertan I'm just trying to get rid of them. :^)

If a girl can't crush your head like a watermelon between her thighs she's not worth it user

>tfw you don't have to go back to university
>tfw you can just get a comfy manual labour job or work in retail and work on writing, shitpost, and play vidya in the evenings

>get a useless degree
>still end up working a trade or retail
Didn't your parents pay for it or something

my sister basically got a full ride so her college money went to me, I wasn't going to go to university originally. In fact I still partly think I should have gone to trade school instead. The degree could still end up being useful in the future though especially if I decide to study archaeology or get a job at a battlefield/archive.

>Louisianan Acadiana flag is some weird third world flag
>Canadian Acadian flag is a Republican tricolor


>weird third world flag
literally looks better than 98% of American regional or state flags

Ours would be nice if it didn't have the name in the middle

My dad is an electrician and he makes a fair bit of money. I don't think it takes that long to get certified

Canada historically had a huge sympathy of the republican France. Sort of reasonable to feel positive of the Tricoulour.

just go full FUCKING DIAMOND for maximum meme potential

I definitely wouldn't be opposed to doing that.

>Canada historically had a huge sympathy of the republican France.
Well that explains why they are such a nation of cucks.

I used to work in retail at Target and it was really not comfy at all
it did get a lot better when I didn't have to cashier anymore though

So did most of the anti-federalists you massive retard

that's even worse lol

Join the military you get free job training and after that a lifetime of gibs

Exactly what I'm planning on doing

>thanks for your service
>literally just sit in an office and get a month of paid vacation a year

>a lifetime of gibs
True post about the military, but I think you only get full gibs after 20 years. If you get out after the minimum 4, you still get the GI bills.


My plan also, bro! You going enlisted or officer?


What branch you plan on going to?

Chair Force

Me too! I've been busting my ass to get in shape for the PT. Looking good after 3 months of upper and lower body work.
Army. My asvab scores are excellent, but I am too old for the Air Force

Smart man

Well at least it's not the Navy...

I'm trying to put on weight right now. I'm pretty sure I can do the cardio part already

Nothing wrong with Navy so long as you aren't on a sub desu

Of course the gay would say there is nothing wrong with the Navy

>implying the Marines aren't worse about it

Navy never was up for consideration. I couldn't handle being on a sub. A friend of mine from high school said, if you have any claustrophobia, you'll go nuts. Push ups are my failure.

Do you really think jarheads have any other desire than to kill and consume crayons?

rape foreign women and if they can't they rape their own comrades

Trapped in a enclosed space for months on end with very little women, Navy is definitely gayer and a lot more consensual making it even gayer.


Hello. Is anyone here from Conway, Arkansas?

Are you an exchange student at Arkansas?

He's playing EU4 right now


I've got a friend who's a Marine, he doesn't fit the stereotype though. Cool guy. I hear in the Navy, they joke that it stands for Muscles Are Required; Intelligence Not Expected.

Watchmen was objectively capekino

>Muscles Are Required; Intelligence Not Expected.

Why is it even allowed to tear down a fucking statue in your federal states?
I can't understand why they were allowed to do that without any resistance.

What's next, the statue of liberty because the vast majority of people that saw it before 1965 were ethnic europeans arriving from transatlantic ships?

Judging by the current state of how things are going I wouldn't be surprised if it would eventually happen in a near future when the demographic shift is officially placed upon the original population of the U.S.

>Why is it even allowed to tear down a fucking statue in your federal states?
Because the state or municipal legislature is afraid of the backlash if they resist

My literal only friend joined the Marines because he likes to LARP as a crusader, Marines are terribly stupid

They either don't want to deal with a massive chimpout or niggers themselves

no I'm from Owen Sound

which nation is he playing as?

>tfw not even from the south but post here because even the threads are comfy

It should be illegal across the board. There is resistance, but the common man is so terrified of being called racist, they roll over. Now that tearing down statues are en vogue, being pro-statue runs the risk of being socially ostracized....complete bullshit.

>what nation
idk. I told him that you were asking for him

You should get Autism flags

because Southern politicians are coward sellouts and because conservatives in the US are completely incapable of "conserving" a damn thing.

I mean, tearing down statues in and of itself shouldn't be illegal. If people in a city agree that a statue is an eyesore, by all means, remove it. That isn't the case here, though, from what I understand.

I agree with you. Removing a statue due to an eyesore, construction issues etc...fine. But doing it because a minority all of the sudden finds it offensive under false pretenses. No. This whole fiasco is all to blamed on the media.

I get your point, but it makes no sense at all at a practical level... they are erasing history by doing that. It's not like the south ruled the entire country for it to be considered a foreign monument, it would be understandable if that were the case just like ex USSR countries did it with lenin statues after the fall of the old regime, but it's a completely different story. Whether they like it or not, this is the history of their own country, and if they find it hard to celebrate it they should at least remember it as part of their culture.

I think this won't change anytime soon if people keep refusing to stand up against that kind of thing. Things will escalate even further because this kind of response gives positive feedback and moral entitlement to the perpetrators. And there's no other way of solving this, that's what's fundamentally sad about it.

>moral relativism

>they are erasing history by doing that
What do you think the last 80 years of Marxist activity have been about m8

These people are literally funded by Soros & company

I give it until Christmas. You'll start seeing calls for the removal of the founding fathers from all govt buildings, a total change in currency, burning of historical buildings, etc.....this we must prevent. The left is out of control in this country. I have no clue on how we can ever stop this.

its a shame the world has such a shit view of the south. its easily the best part of the states. good/cheap food in huge portions, cheap smokes (and you can smoke everywhere), long growing season, lots of awesome "no-laws" (no seatbelt, or open container laws in tennessee fuck yeah), wonderful people, cool accents, people still listen to music other than fucking hip hop, tons of land (cheap, to boot), not nearly as infested with postmodern ideological garbage, cheaper rent, less taxes, warm weather.

i was down in western kentucky for a couple days this may and i was fucking blown away how fucking great everything and everyone was compared to my home state (NYstate, fuck everything). any of you fucks from murray KY? played an awesome show down there, and it was the highlight of our whole tour. i cant believe how much better of a music scene there is in flyover compared to all the cliche spots like NYC and boston etc.

are you famous

How do you think we feel? I am a native Southerner going back generations, and the entire country shits on everything we believe in. All of our history, cities, aesthetics, accents, 'down home' culture, etc are shit on in the most mean way. Even Europeans recognize how great it is down here.