Letterboxd General
Films & stuff, but no gay dramas from shitposters
Letterboxd General
Films & stuff, but no gay dramas from shitposters
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I am excited to watch the movie 'la la land'
Will probably watch this weekend
Watch it now
So am I, waiting for VOD. Hope it's at least on par with Whiplash
I'm going to watch it in what I like to call, "the cinema"
there's already a thread
manchild54 (man-chilled-fifty-four)
That's great. I can't have the ''cinema'' though, so fak u, snob
>paying to see an American Jacques Demy rip off movie with horrible songs
Wow, what a great mature thread that is
it's far beyond your mental capacity, reddit_gorro
Why can't you go to the cinema to see it?
it's ok I haven't seen any Jacques Demy so it will seem fresh to me
I also have horrible taste in music
this guy a dumbfuck.
aaaand i'm akshly a objectively higher authority than you all when it comes to this
thats all imma say
There isn't one for hundreds of miles
Yeah, the songs will thrill you...
Listen to them sing two notes.
A group of young, multiracial radicals execute a series of terrorist attacks across Paris and then take shelter for the night in a shopping center while a massive manhunt is conducted outside.
wow where the heck do you live
North Sasketchewan
Newfag here. Is this thingy like lastfm for music?
As we track these 7 kids carrying out a paris bombing, this is a desperate cry for young people without genuine avenues of expression, political and otherwise, and wholly essential cinema
Wow maybe you should open one for your community
welp, 2bad yr opinions 're the minority, dumpy fagface.
Gottdamn la la land was so DOPE
Such GOOD content
TRUE, GOOD HUMAN creation, love love lalaland went & watched it again today, kept putting it off cause it will make me feel all sorts of feelings but that is the sign of a good thing and lala land was a undeniably good thing with excellent music FUCK you if you don't like it dude I DO NOT care & no1 else does either
Small place (9.000 people) on a south hemisphere country
Open a cinema
9000 potential customers that are probably all bored as hell
Cher, go back to Twitter.
LLL was shit, watch more films and if this doesn't cure you, just find a more suitable hobby.
literally unaddable to favourites
sorry, but i do not give two shites about any other movys, except lala land! it was amazing, shit head. spent money at a theater for it in the first time in years and i don't regret a fucken cent of it. closed minded stooge!
pretty much
I am new as fuck to Sup Forums. Please suggest me some user with good taste in Sup Forums in your opinion. Doesnt matter if art-house or mainstream movies.
more like fart house