Don't mind me, just posting the best Gorillaz album.
Don't mind me, just posting the best Gorillaz album
dont mind me, just agreeing with you here
Favorite track is Amarillo
shit bait
not bait, the fall is the least shit gorillaz album
it was literally recorded on an ipad. Demon Days and Plastic Beach are objectively better than The Fall
Worst Gorillaz album but has the best Gorillaz song which is Bobby in Phoenix.
>Recording equipment and production values make an album objectively better
grog like music iPad make
dubs confirm
I genuinely do think it's the best, but even if you disagree, one thing is certain- it's better than Humanz.
I can't get into the Gorillaz. Partially because I hate the stupid wannabe anime/teen titan crossover animation style and think the idea of a fictional cartoon band instead of just being a band is extremely cringe-worthy.
a gimmick triggers you?
does your mom know you are on a 18+ website?
Just think of it as a Damon Albarn solo project. The whole fictional band thing isn't much more than a gimmick. Overall, it's inconsequential to their sound.
The Fall is a great comfy/cozy core album, now that Humanz is out people appreciate it more.
I agree that's it's the best Gorillaz album. However, it's still a 2/10.
Gorillaz is children's music.
and listening to sound for enjoyment is madness
Fuck off Monty
All band nowadays are a gimmick, get over it.
bad thread
then don't bump it and let it die
Just listen the fucking music. I don't follow the history besides the albums.