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lol what the hell is happening


What is your favourite film starring John Saxon


damn.... patrician faves..

Man Like Smoothhands

Otto Preminger's The Cardinal (1963). He plays a Jew dating the main character's sister.

When did you become so patrician?

Unironically better than your usual favorites.

Kiss Me Deadly is SO GOOD

those favs...

Enter the Dragon

what perks made you decide to pay for a pro account?

mostly i just wanted to change my URL

being able to see yearly stats at any time instead of having to wait for an email is nice, too

Haven't ever heard of this but it sounds like it would be really good

Have not seen

One of the great things about films with john saxon is that there are so many of them

Do you get more statistics than those who haven't paid?


i dunno, do i?

Enter the Dragon is good. He plays an American who the mob is after so he goes to Hong Kong and meets Bruce Lee.

my favorite films are great because their good


is this some kind of joke?


it's a troll account. called a7xfan

shit discord meme rapey_bear

Yeah. Non-pro user only get a fraction of that. Trakt has most of it for free, though.

im not dropout bear

Sometimes I think I should donate because I use the site pretty much every day and have done for years and I like the website

But then I remember I'm paying for basically nothing so I don't

sounds like a good use of John saxon


t. creepy ciaran

Don't reply to the bait-poster

Thoughts on marathoning directors, yes or no?

What if they don't want to go?

>world map

what does it mean?

no. everything in moderation.

It's usually fun.

It's a map of the world

Yeah, I think it really does turn into overkill when you get directors with filmographies well beyond 10 or so movies.

Do you understand what you are reading? What does it MEAN you imbecile

>when you decide to marathon Ford of John's and he has like, thousand films.

it shows how many films you watched from each country

Why are you upset? You asked a question, you got an answer.
Do you disagree a world map is a map of the world?

I recognize that movie

Do you log the ones that only exist as fragments?

Emily Jean is amazing

t. Emily Jean

Jason X is pretty amazing

the Marcus Nispel remake has a great visual aesthetic. as do all of his films.

Thank you
>acting like a retard on purpose
Good for you

Is that the one that takes place in space? I've heard good things about that one.

Yes it is

Well, if you're confused, you're confused, what can I do?

>Jason X
It's terrible, what the fuck vas?

And why was that post deleted?

Jason X is pretty amazing


I enjoyed Jason X

I enjoyed this post.

tfw to intelligent to rate

