Is there any bigger red flag than:

Is there any bigger red flag than:
>I'm learning Japanese

Other urls found in this thread:

I already know Japanese. hah!



A red flag for what?

yeah, someone who "knows" japanese and insists on injecting their everyday speech with nip words and cartoon girls

red flag in english refers to "a warning that someone might be crazy" ie: a girl at a club telling you she has 20 cats and wants to have an anime wedding

yes. this one
>im american

where might one find such a girl? the only girls i see at clubs are roasties

>I'm learning Japanese
will never learn Japanese and is a normie
>I know Japanese
Attention whore

I learned to read japanese just to play h-games, I am the übermensch


Y.. Yamete!!


what does white flag refer to in english?



I would fuck her.

You forgot the fleurs-de-lis, tojo faggot

France is and will always be better than Japan

For women? No.

I wouldn't touch her with a 10 meter pole. Trust me Nihon-kun, you don't want the crazy.

IS it ok if you need japanese for work?

No, fuck Japan and fuck Japanese language

Hope all of you salarymen work themselves to death and Philippines / Korea takes over your pathetic excuse of a country

>puny cheese eating light speed surrender monkey is better than the rising sun, the dragon of the east


what the heck

>he visited france (paris) once and became victim of paris syndrome (パリ症候群 in your shit language) and was robbed by gypsies in the metro

ha ha ha ha ha .jpg

It's OK for guys to learn jap?

is it okay for guys to wear fedoras?

the answer is the same

Lets all love Japan!

Watch out that edge could hurt you, it would be best if you called a responsible adult :)

Then why did he single out w*men?
> wew lad

No but it's slightly less autistic

Biggest red flag:
>goes to an anime website and spergs out about Japanese

Normalfaggotry is a mental illness. The cure is a bullet.


women or men it doesnt matter japanese is a dying language. have you ever even met a weeabo in real life? absolutely no chance they will ever have children, thank god

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