>What is the cause of this phenomena?
>What is exacerbating it?
>how has is changed relations and roles between the sexes?
>What are the solutions?
With these questions in mind, propose a theory explaining the emasculation of Western society.
What is the cause of this phenomena?
Other urls found in this thread:
Men raised by women
>The two pics of Sam in there
soy/estrogen in food
>gives more money/power to jews
This. If it wasn't for my father I would be a massive pussy. Also guys take everything women say literally. If you're nice they walk all over you, if you don't care about your looks they leave you, etc
The Internet and technology is the main cause
Sup Forumsacks and tumblr numales look exactly the same. It's technological and apolitical, political views have nothing to do with it
I guarantee every man who's spent a significant portion of their life on Sup Forums looks no better. Even if they completely disagree with the political points listed in the OP
Basically, tech and "service" economy innately blurs the lines between the sexes because men don't do real labor and women don't raise children. They're both subsumed by a sexless object (the computer).
I assume soy in the diet since I look like these guys but still hate them.
That's part of it for sure, but I think the whole idea that it's all caused by diet/chemtrails/other uncontrollable chemical forces is a psyop/excuse.
People don't want to hear that the real causes are simpler: sedentary lifestyle, porn, Internet and media consumption.
Doctors have known for years
>paying for expensive treatment for a problem that you can solve yourself by not fucking masturbating
>he fell for nofap meme
>single mothers creating gullible men
>food supply laced with estrogen
>Internet and technology
Keep em coming and post pastas.
>he fell for the Jew porn meme
I still fap once a week or so but even that's still bad. Also it doesn't matter as much when you're older, the damage was already done in your teenage years.
It's the:
'Internet and pol are the worst things in the world for you' guy
>as usual spending all his time on pol
Men can have genetically lower amount of T since birth. You cant blame porn on everything.
over-bearing and despairing baby-boomer single mothers left indigent when irresponsible baby-boomer fathers skipped out on the family to follow their free-love dicks.
look at the numbers, the boomers invented modern divorce because it was convenient. this was before child support was a thing, before in fact most of this board was even born. so you have a generation of abandoned women who raised their sons not to be their arsehole fathers, without ever knowing what that even meant. net result, lost, impressionable males who literally have no idea what to do with themselves, and socialism to pick up the pieces. it is now propagating through the generations.
the boomers are literally the worst generation, and boomer males are literally the most puerile, irresponsible and self-indulgent generation of males to ever be inflicted on the world, because they were completely over-indulged in a way the girls weren't. until the 80s it was still conventional wisdom that the majority of women were going to be housewives. the men are the fucking worst, the narcissism is tangible. boomer women are by and large just pathetic and needy.
this board focuses on women mainly because no one will have sex with them and they have issues with their mothers.
Oh I definitely agree, the worst effects of porn have to do with dopamine, not testosterone.
>making excuses. It's not bad to spend all day on the Internet and pol if you're old. Am I right or am I right. Us here, we're redpilled. All you goyim don't have an excuse like us
I can't tell what you're trying to say. I never said I had an excuse
More like white women. Hispanic mothers are literally just your father but with a vagina. They don't fucking play.
>What is the cause of this phenomena
lack of proper physical education
Dopamine as in cocaine addiction?
>when irresponsible baby-boomer fathers skipped out on the family to follow their free-love dicks
Yep those gosh darn men and their free love.
I mean I think their was one chick at Woodstock. Total sausage fest of married men.
Just think of all those poor conservative mothers
>this is what KEKS like this fuck believe
Don't forget our broken education system and media where women come first and young men are told masculinity is a bad thing and they should be ashamed to be white and have a penis.
wealth and comfort
So they're white Knights.
>and boomer males are literally the most puerile, irresponsible and self-indulgent generation of males to ever be inflicted on the world, because they were completely over-indulged in a way the girls weren't
Men do whatever it takes to survive. Not everyone can live on the fringe.
>Don't forget our broken education system and media where women come first and young men are told masculinity is a bad thing and they should be ashamed to be white and have a penis.
I was honestly convincing myself that this was just a "conspiracy theory" but I looked back throughout my childhood and how much female teachers favorited little girls. They get shocked when me and a bunch of other boys play rough or draw violent shit and stuff like Dragon Ball saying that we're "mentallty unfit" or some shit. They would freak out and can't figure out why we don't connect well with girls.
It was hell.
first post best post
>If you want a more sensitive boyfriend, try pegging him
Two of my highschool math teachers (all of which were women) couldn't even do the math. Can you believe that? They did not know how to do the math they get payed to teach.
Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that like 90-100% of women teachers are pedophiles. I've seen countless times where a female teacher flirted with a male student that if the roles were reversed, that male teacher would've lost his job
I work in retail and live in a rural town; I saw one of these yesterday for the first time in my life and I nearly burst out laughing.
His hair sort of looked like a pompadour, but the sides and back of his head was completely shaved. He wore a skin tight, pink American Eagle collared shirt that accentuated his very lanky frame. He also had one of his ears gauged and spoke in a high pitch voice.
I'm 20-30 year old, guess that makes me a nu-male.
Lack of strong male role models. Imagine being fed lies through all of your childhood that men are bad, masculinity is toxic, having masculine interests is oppressive, enjoying looking at pretty women is sexist, etc.
We should teach little boys that you don't need to be a wimp in order to be the good guy. Look at Magnum, Michael Knight, MacGyver, Chuck Norris, Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Jean Claude Van Damme, etc. all masculine super men, and they use their strength against the bad guys. And not always even physical strength alone, but wit and intelligence too like MacGyver.
lmao is that Sam Hyde in there
Most channers look like skinny, long-hair, edgy metalheads (I'm basing this on ten years lurking here and seeing stupid selfies). Cringy, but they are still slightly less emasculated than numales.
> perpetuated
Pseudo-intellectuals love using this word so much that I cringe whenever I hear or read it in an argument.
This is why only Chads should have children and why all betas should get bulls to impregnate their wives.
Refreshing to see. Men also cause the 80/20 rule, but nobody on Sup Forums or /r9k/ ever seem to realize that because they're so angry at women. Sad!
Thank you
and whenever I mention that arranged marriage was a good thing, Sup Forums spergs out and calls me a virgin loser or a muslim, or devises some Darwinistic bullshit about how it's better that weak men don't breed and the 80/20 rule is actually a GOOD thing because "muh uber race" , like
I was born in 1983, and grew up watching movies with the protagonists you mentioned. All manly movies which you seldom see today. You never saw men or women bitching about how these huge buff men were "unrealistic", body imagewise. I grew up in a very male-driven society, where women were happy to be housewifes and take care of their kids and men went to work and provided for the family.
I have an older sister with kids who are nearing their teens and goddamn, they're so weak and weird. Her husband is some hippie who was raised by hippie parents and my nephews and nieces are all delicate and all they do is watch shitty cartoons and other media on their ipads. I tried playing with them outside when they were younger, but they'd rather be inside and rotting their brains with TV.
My dad is dissapointed at his grandkids even though he loves them, and is also hoping I giving him grandkids as well but I'm not sure if I see it happening because I'm afraid of bringing more people into this overcrowded world, and all of my past relationships have been bad and I was a fuckup in my 20s spending most of my time being an alcoholic.
Well I have glasses and a beard but I'm definitely not trendy or have white guilt.
Of course they didn't. I had an English Teacher who pronounced a Pirate's "Aye Aye" as "Ayee Ayee" in a chapter and claimed I was wrong. Female teachers would let girls go early and boys stayed back for whatever bullshit and they wasted my dad's time. Thankfully he came in and dealt with their bullshit.
I've had only ONE male teacher in my entire school life. He got me interested in Jazz. Now, I don't want to sound like I'm edgy and beta, but I became desensitized to girls. I turn down every confession and just try to stay alone. I've hated females since then.
If you have a beard you should probably kill yourself
I mean it is 2016
I have a Dan Bilzerian beard. Is that okay?
And don't forget Picard. especially Picard.
Without them I would have never gotten through my school life. too bad I finished poorly.
There's a crusade against masculinity and these guys are too afraid to stand up against it.
Reading this screencap
... makes sense
... hmm
... sort of a good point
>"Fuck you, I got games to play, at least there my need for competition and manhood"
Jesus, how can posters on Sup Forums be sort of intelligent and so deluded at the same time. How about you try to fucking man up and do something in real life. Those excuses, that world is effeminate is pure beta bullshit, it's just a sort of escapism, just like games. In fact, It's YOU, who is castrating yourself, stop blaming society, females, cunts, niggers, man the fuck up and rape the world, it's your oyster after all.
>I'm basing this on ten years lurking here and seeing stupid selfies
so youre basing it on 0.01% of all people who browse this website. what a dumb post
You need community against this crusade. One man can do only that much but only-male clubs would give noticeable benefit.
Sup Forums and Internet culture is inherently degenerate
it's the final pill no 4channer will ever be willing to fully swallow
Hi it's you again.
You say the Internet and Sup Forums is bad yet you are on here nearly 24/7
You're a huge fucking hypocrite with no self control
You're here forever.
Theory 1: decadence.
>How did Rome fall?
>How did the Islamic caliphate fall (abbasids)?
>how will western civilization fall?
The answer is decadence. People are too soft and comfortable. If you go to Spain or France today it doesn't make sense how these guys ran empires in the years 1400-1600: because they are lazy as fuck (aka Decadence).
Giving the women the right to vote is in itself a former of decadence. How stupid can you be to give a person that buys 20 pairs of shoes that she doesnt need, the right to vote? The resource hoarding female instinct is known as hypergamy.
In the end, the strong inherits the earth.
Allah akbar!
Yet you're still here. you should try taking your own advice.
Fuck you for putting based Sam in this picture.
The liberalization of western culture.
Common sense being replaced by muh feels.
Boys not rough housing with other boys to toughen up, instead sitting inside playing vidya
Parents not spanking their kids when they are little shits
Parents teaching kids that they are the most important thing
Parents always siding with their kids instead of siding with authority figures
It doesn't help that many Millennials are lazy and lack motivation/initiative
>Parents teaching kids that they are the most important thing
What would you teach them?
But he is right, there are two ultimate red-pills that the Sup Forums posters refuse to swallow.
>1st - That world is grey, it's not white, it's not black, there is no right or wrong every coin got two sides.
>2nd - We are degenerates ourselves. You may object, try to fight, refute me or even make fun of me with le epic memes, trying to discredit me simply by saying, that I am posting here too. But as soon as you realize, that you and me both are part of the same degeneracy we try to fight and oppose. Then you will truly be a free man.
Post theme: youtube.com
This x100.
I grew up with my sister and my mother.
I was a beta nerd for my entire school years. My only social circle were other betas.
My first contact with real men was when I entered the military. Don't get me wrong here, the military is mostly full of retards and people who have nothing else, and I quickly left it.
But I've learned so much during that time. About comradeship, not being a little bitch faggot and acting like a man.
I've changed a lot, and when I look at my teenage self, I cringe.
I can't forgive my father for abandoning me and basically letting me grow up as a woman. I love my mother, but you need a father or you end up like in OP's pic.
Nerds in highschool seeing no pussy and then going into college expecting to get some.
Instead they get into these social justice infested courses looking for pussy. They leave wanting to empower females to get sex. Yet most of these girls don't pick them but assholes that fuck and run. So Nu-males listen to this and hope for pussy yet get none because FRIEND ZONE.
Or even worse they get fat cow whale pussy because hes "beautiful inside"
Funny I was born in the 1989 yet I this was my 7~14 years old really.
Also shit like Star Gate and Star Trek.
Shit even Janeway from Star Trek was more masculine then todays "role models"
What are todays male role models anyway?
Not even one is worth to be called role model?
Load of shite I was raised just by my mam and Grandmother, and i'm nothing like g
these fucks. I ride birds left right and centre.
I can't think of a single one.
Every single TV series character seems to be a pussy.
John Snow? Pussy.
That guy from Walking Dead? Pussy.
Fucking Big Bang Shitters? NU-MALES SUPREME
All these action heroes today are also pussies. The only real man I can think of is Iron Man... but hes also too "vulnerable" for my liking.
There no real STRONG men that I can think of in the 10s...
00s still had shit like Star Gate's MacGyver/O'Niel and others..
I was also raised by my mom mostly since my father worked abroad.
Shes very much like a strict teacher. My dad was the soft one promising me shit that he would never buy to appease me and always being lenient when I did shit wrong.
Menwhile I didn't go to school when I was 4 when a game I wanted came out for PC. She found out by accident. Came home and fucking pulled out the power cord from the PC. Any PCbro knows what I'm talking about that things heavy, think and hard. She beat me with it for a good 5 minutes. Worst beating I got in my life.
I still respect her as fuck for it. Thats exactly what she should have done because I never again dodged school like that.
Isn't that just your average white knight? I smell an underage b&.
I look up to my grandfather. Built his house with his own hands, collects guns, lives in the mountains, been with my grandmother since he was 17. We often talk about the pussification of men.
Single mother household.
>John Snow?
Stannis and Tywin looked pretty traditional.
It's hard to see current role models because it's not profitable to do such movies anymore (all this SJW, and males have to be "emotional" stuff). It's like pre-00's generation still remembers past heroes but current one is ignorant.
Also don't forget Jack Bauer, shooting up the all those shitskins in 24!
roose too , but they are all dead now.
get it goy , all strong mans must die