Office Space

Is this movie's premise even relevant anymore? Most millennials these days would kill to have a shitty office job.

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don't ignore ree

>Most millennials these days would kill to have a shitty office job

They just don't realize that the desire to kill yourself doesn't go away once you obtain a white-collar job

Or maybe that's just me

>stares at a computer screen all day
>makes livable income
>owns nice apartment
>hangs with coworker friends
>dates cute gf

He should be so grateful. This kind of life is a pipe dream for a good chunk of 20 year olds.

There were more career options back then.

Stop saying 'back then" like it was a long time ago reeeee

The hell is this "reee" nonsense?

>They just don't realize that the desire to kill yourself doesn't go away once you obtain a white-collar job

Sure, but it's easier to cope with that desire when you have a decent apartment and you can comfortably afford food every week.

17 years
before the dotcom bubble burst
before the mortgage bubble burst
it was a better job market in 1999

back in da good ol' days

probably yea considering that the reason they ran the scam was because they were being fired

>The will never do a modern version to this where they lampoon HR, the chief diversity officer, transgender bathrooms, and the social media manager

Why live?

I have to wonder if people in the 1930s were talking about the prospect of WW2 in the manner of joking like we do these days about the upcoming happening.

before the towers fell
before the war on terror
before social media



Did you get that new safe space memo, user? ...ah yes. You see, moving forward we're only going to be using nonbinary, gender-neutral pronounces around the office. That way we can avoid any potential misunderstandings with addressing another co-worker by the wrong gender. I'll be sure to email you a copy of the memo. Thanks!

everyone was predicting a second world war when the treaty of Versailles was signed

Of course they can. I first saw it at 15 and immediately related it to the banality of high school. Any boring dead end job/school and unhappy place in life can be subbed in for office work

The point is that they endure their shitty work environment, bust their ass, and get fired anyways so the company can bring in immigrants and new people to undercut them. If anything, it's more relevant than ever.

The economy then was fucking awesome. Those were the golden years. However an office job is still a soul sucker if you don't advance or have shitty bosses.

The plot about skimming money is great. I've always loved that angle. It could still be used as a plot device today.

It's easily doable for anyone who dedicates 2-3 years of their life on making the climb. Once you get there it's not like you're king of the world though. A working stiff will never know true wealth. They knew this which is why they risked it all to skim money.

Ironic, everything the past generations complained about I would take in a heartbeat

If you're from the U.S. you have no excuses, you can have that too. It was just easier to get then. And in many ways a more exciting time.

Like al from married with children

I want to fuck prime segal

Very true, I have exactly this kind of job, struggled so hard and long for it I love every second I'm there

>search entry level positions
>"minimum requirements: at least 2 years experience"

The whole corporate slacker thing is realer than ever. Nobody really wants an office drone job aside from social misfits because they drain the life out of you and you're dealing with shit all the time from your superiors.

>Graduate from university
>Need experience for entry level jobs
>Just go to work at Starbucks instead

What went wrong

A lot has happened in those few years, user

I am 3 months shy of my first full year of experience, if I can go 12 months beyond that I will finally reach that magical 2 years experience threshold and won't have to shit myself every night at the prospect of being fired. Feels good

you studied a worthless degree with crappy prospects/didn't network enough with other students/came out with no references from professors/are not actually looking at entry-level jobs but most likely senior positions.

>I am 3 months shy of my first full year of experience, if I can go 12 months beyond that

>Not just lying on your cv instead

Well that's how I got this job to begin with, it also had the two year requirement, I just got lucky in the fact that the guy who did my technical interview was way too busy to give a shit and hardly asked me any questions

i had an office job in high school at a large payroll company and it was totally Office Space, and this was early 00's



Ignore it. By december it will be passé and the kids will come up with something new to help keep them feeling purposeful and relevant.

It came out before you were born.

People with those things kill themselves every day.


Fuck I hate this shit. My dumbass should have gain that experience right after high school, now I'm doing it last minute while working at retail.

I've heard volunteer programs like substance abuse or even the local salvation army can be good experience needed, so I might try that I guess.

That's been a commentary on this movie for more than 5 years. Way to be relevant you slow motherfucker.

Bullshit. I know people with bachelor's degrees who can't get simple office jobs. Office jobs with health care benefits and salaries. You're being ignorant.


Another word for "either my family knew someone or I got lucky and met someone".

That doesn't happen for everyone retard.

heh, mad you didn't think of it first

>Be me, go to university for programming
>Drop out after the first year because I hate it, watch my three friends I made continue on
>I get a job in construction making 40k a year, now I'm making 45
>I'm also learning real estate
>None of my friends have a job yet and they graduated a year ago
>Fuckin' A man.

Two chicks at the same time?

>drop out of sixth form college (18 in the uk)
>get an apprenticeship
>earn some money while getting qualifications
>now making pretty average money
>all friends still doing uni and are in debt

feels good

Still hate my life though.

College is such bullshit. Too expensive and they hardly teach you anything useful (and I graduated with a degree in Math and Economics). Plus they waste half your time with bullshit liberal classes to help you be "well rounded" and "appreciate diversity." We need more trade schools. College isn't helping people develop the skills they need.

It hurts how true this is.

Anybody is free to enroll in a trade school if they want. Some people want a well-rounded education.

Working a rough retail gig, I can't fucking wait to get an office job. I don't care how mundane it is. I doubt I'll ever miss customer service.

Nowadays with all these shitty startups setting up in old eraser factories a cubicle is considered a luxury.

t. Moishe

>get hired on the spot before even graduating
>I wasn't even looking for a job
>I just asked if I could buy some parts from them
Leave shitty IT user, and go learn a trade or craft that few people do.

t. watchmaker, posting from work


Has anyone been fired here?

Happened today:
>sitting at my desk, bored as fuck
>hot girl behind me leaves her desk
>go to her phone to see if it's unlocked to search for nudes
>it's locked
>1 hour later boss says he needs to talk to me
>someone told him that I was messing with her phone
>they take my badge, get sent home (escorted out of building due to protocol)
>tell me they'll call me tomorrow morning to tell me if I still have a job

fuck my life. After 9 months of searching for a job I fuck it up.

>>stares at a computer screen all day
Which makes him want to kill himself.
>>makes livable income
>>owns nice apartment
You don't own apartments, fucktard. He is a wage slave, so owning a decent house is out of the question.
>>hangs with coworker friends
To comiserate how much they hate life.
>>dates cute gf
Has nothing to do with his job.


lol dude wtf

>tfw went to film school in socal and now work in the film industry doing production while directing funded shorts between gigs

feels copy that user

The irony is that most cushy office jobs are near large cities where the cost of living is double, so your $50K a year job is really only equivalent to the quality of living that some redneck makes working at a warehouse in the boonies. Probably less, since he can buy a house for like ten bucks and his property taxes are like $0.04 per year.

I had a nice office job in the city but rushhour is suicidal tier crap. Like 2 hours of wasted unpaid time everyday sitting in a car in traffic.

We all pretty much stare at computer screens all day. That's what most office jobs are, and it's what most people do when they get home.
His income isn't barely livable. For a guy in his 20's living alone, his apartment is considerably big, he drives a nice car, he owns nice clothes, and he at least has enough money to blow on things like hypnotists.
Getting this upset about semantics of owning/renting a place, I can tell you're pretty stupid. Probably got BTFO in another thread and are looking elsewhere to rage like a dolt.
Friends often blow off steam about their jobs when they get together.
He dates a qt gf. His life isn't bad.

Live and learn, user. Next time take the phone.

Hrmm... Not sure what movie you are talking about. This movie is about a waitress, Jennifer Aniston, and how she meets an average joe. They just can't seem to make it work out for them due to timing and other comedic events.

At least that's how I remember the previews depicting at the time it was released.

What have you directed?

Not sharing any personal info user. Sorry ;_;

You don't have to be specific. Short films? Features? Commercials? Porn?

Lol get fucked faggot

Outside of film school, 12 shorts, 2 super low budget features and 5 commercials. I've just begun filming a documentary because I gained long-term access to a dressed up Red Weapon 6k and primes. Huge because that costs waaaay too much on normie wallets. When I'm not working on my own stuff, I get gigs as 1st or 2nd assistant director around town. It's great because I learn from people waaaaaaaaay more experienced than me.

My last short won a few awards and gained a buzz. I really, really hope this accelerates my career.

I have a low-budget feature, three episodes 90 pages each, written and waiting to be funded for streaming. Can't wait for my lookbooks to get in so I can start pitching to higher-end investors.

I'll be here for a bit. Got any questions?

Been working the last 4 years in a office, at the end I felt like Andy Dufresne who just left Prison.

>Is this movie's premise even relevant anymore?

Its timeless
Judge is a master


He's a character master.

Do you live in a city that gets fairly regular projects then?
How do you get actors for your own stuff?

the difference is in cities you can actually go out and do things

>tfw currently in job getting close to my 2 years experience for better jobs

LA/Orange Counties. It is a giant mega city with a shitload of projects happening every single day. The trick is to impress the production manager, AD's and producers as a PA so you get well known. If you aren't great at your job, I've met guys who have PA'd for 10 years without moving up. Kinda tragic but you can't save everyone.

Talent is surprisingly easy to find. There are casting websites where you post casting calls for both union and non-union talent. But, let me tell you, the batshit crazies come out for these calls and you meet the weirdest motherfuckers in the process. Once the call is made, you set it up at a casting studio that has small rooms with lights, a table and maybe a couch. You set a up a camera and have an assistant call them in one by one. You slam out 15 to 30 well chosen actors and create your shortlist from that.

Talent are fucking eager to be noticed.

Damn, LA. I live on the other side of the country and do independent contracting work that sometimes leaves me with week long breaks. So a while back I registered with all the casting companies here and will occasionally apply for background work if something big is shooting in the area. Nothing that requires an audition or anything like that. I've seen some of the same PA's in the same positions for the last 8 years, so I know what you mean there. For some it's like their souls have been completely drained.

Anyways, hope you make it big user.

His shit to the toilet I reckon.

Try hooking up with directors in your area that know their shit. That one short you make with the good director can be the unicorn necessary to get you a ticket to LA. But, I recommend going to acting/film school out here so you start getting known. Study your ass off and git gud. You're doing more than the next guy, which can make all the difference.

I also hope for the best with you and your career. Kick down the door and make yourself known, user.

That is a movie. Join the real world some time, friendo.

If you have the money after your $1500 a month apartment and restaurants that cost $100 per meal.

You're a movie.

>My last short won a few awards and gained a buzz. I really, really hope this accelerates my career.
Unfortunately, it probably won't. I had the same experience 3 years ago. Literally nothing happened. Market is to saturated now. There are thousands of film festivals and many thousands more indie shorts and features being made. It's like kid's soccer -- everyone gets a trophy and it has become meaningless.

Office Space is my life, except I don't make as much money as Peter, my boss is more competent, I get paid hourly instead of a salary, and I have a light enough workload and lax enough supervision that I can leave work for hours at a time while clocked in.

Fucking hour long meetings that could be replaced by giving me a single sheet of paper with the relevant information on it lol.

>I doubt I'll ever miss customer service.
You never will.
Worked in a call center for almost 3 years. Made some good friends there, but holy fuck was it the most depressing place on earth.
Still shudder at the sound of a ringin phone sometimes lel


That about sums it up.

When I worked in the corporate world, I could do my job in 2 hours per day, max. I of course had to stick around for the other 6 to endure endless, worthless meetings and to read the never-ending string of micro-manager emails.

I wanted to rip my face off everyday.

Agreed, that's why I'm not holding my breath... just hoping on a prayer.

I'm aiming to be pragmatic with the craft and hope to make profitable projects for investors.

It would be awesome to be like Lynch or Herzog and make whatever the fuck you want, but we aren't that lucky.

What kind of stuff have you made user? What kind of equipment have you operated on?

Plenty of cushy office jobs in medium sized (200,000-500,000 population) cities. I usually don't commute right at rush hour but at worst it's still only a half hour drive, most days it's 15 minutes.

That shit should be illegal

I worked at a place that did cold call surveys through college. Was lucky to get 1 or 2 surveys completed over a six hour shift. The rest of the time were people swearing at you and hanging up. Mind numbing.

Fortunately at my job, meetings are only mandatory if you're clocked in at the time of the meeting. And I have flex-time, so I make sure I'm not at work during the meeting. If I miss anything relevant (usually nothing) my cube-mate will tell me and I make up the hours I missed later that week. Haven't been to a meeting in months lmao.

>All these people saying "but qt gf"
She was a cunt who was cheating on him. You're all literally cucks.

Mostly horror stuff. Produced and directed/edited my own stuff. Gotten into several festivals. Won an award. Worked on other indie features, mostly as a camera guy.

Operated only on HD cameras. Want to jump into 4K. If only I could afford raw. I don't have $15K for like a BlackMagic with a $5K computer, though.

Just finished my 5th feature script. Gonna start shopping it out soon to festivals, studios, whatever...

Common misconception among low-skill workers. This only really applies to BIG cities like NYC, LA, or SF where rent is insane. I live in Kansas City (2.5m) and make $48k a year. After taxes, rent, bills, groceries, etc. my disposable income is like $1300-$1500 a month. I end up saving most not because I have to, just because I have nothing to spend it on.

He's stuck in a rut with no way to advance surrounded by retarded office people. Been there done that, its def a soul sucker if you do it day in & day out for years.

That's pretty much Joe's problem in Joe vs the Volcano

^Underrated film BTW.

You are the exception, not the rule, dumbfuck. Congrats on being the one trillionth person on the internet to argue the exception, not the rule.

How am I the exception? The company I work for has 20,000 employees, and I make entry level salary there.

>work in the photo lab next to electronics
>super chill job, helping people with low tier tech questions, cell phone shit when I wander over to the next department
>decent pay, good flexible hours
>bullshit around with electronic bros all day, talk about movies and vidya
It kinda feels like Clerks, but in the back of a giant store