Shit in the streets

>shit in the streets
>wipe with their hands
>ok rape u next week
what exactly is wrong with Indian men?

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I dont know but they make some quality OC

Indians are creepy

>sw*des talking shit about indianbros
get out white people reeee just dissapear already

ok rape u next week download t-shirt show vagane

I like Indians, they were lovely when I visited

thats cause you are a man

are you a goddamn hippie or do you shit on streets too?

The only race I want to see get exterminated

>goes to india
>gets into an acid attack

>swedish '''''''''''''''''women'''''''''''''''''''

Ask for the paki help. (found this in some weird paki memes website).

those are Pakis m8

Okay desis in general do

who knew that a poo and a swede together gives birth to a huemonkey


Why are the lesser human races always so cruel to pets?

I could tell by the muslim names, otherwise arr rook same though
For the newfags who don't know when the poo became airborn.

Your queen is half-brazillian, you idiot.

literally anybody can get a swedish women
easiest whores on earth

t. Fernando Patel

you have to be non-white though

that would mean a lot more if you didn't come from a country where people greet eachother by sniffing eachothers assholes

t. triggered macacos

This is the Indian airforce new weapon to defeat the west and become a super power.


well the guys that shit in the open and worship cows can get woman in your country, that says alot about the state of your females
sweden is like brown's people thailand, where the loser go to get easy woman

That child aint his.

Seriously, what is wrong with them? Why the coprophilia?

Is it part and parcel of a pagan culture?

Indians are actually white. The problem is that they keep bathing in Ganges river and became permanently brown.

>sweden is like brown's people thailand, where the loser go to get easy woman
if that were true you would be here meeting women and not sat in your rundown favela shanty desperately defending street shitters


>bathing in Ganges river

It's amazing that they survive such an ordeal. I bet if any of us try to do that we die within 3 days from cholera and explosive diarrhea.

It's their strategy.
>China declares war on India
>not a single country interview
>India pick half of his population, feed them with rice and curry, put them in a airplane and overfly Beijing.
>they all start to poo over the city killing millions of people because the frozen poo
>the survivors soon became sick
>India has immunity too all those diseases because they live in shit since the end of the British Raj
>city by city in China is conquered my the Indians forces
>just the cholera kill half of the Chinese population
>India keep waging a war against the rest of the world until all countries have being shitted on.

>be someone else rather than me
>take a naked dip in some Indian river
>be mistaken by the reincarnation of some Hindu God.

Tell me that it doest make sense.

That's biological warfare. They first make themselves resistant to all possible strains of E. coli (and I'm sure some really unholy ones mutated their way out of an Indians ass), then they infect their neighbours, and possibly the world.

Is there no way their evil can be stopped? USA pls halp.

He's Brazilian so he does probably shit in the streets.

>designated beheading streets