
How do you feel about increasingly more people in your country speaking English in their daily life?

It seems like Germans are getting fed up with it.

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France should've won waterloo
I would give anything to be born with a different first language, makes learning others hard as shit

So they'll let a billion Turks in for muh multiculturalism but moan when people are speaking English? Yeah because we're the ones destroying your culture.

havent noticed it except for tourists and one lady from london that lives here, no issue as i am fluent in English

I'll never understand Germany. Why did we allow them to remained united after WW1?

No idea what makes foreigners think they're forced to speak English

not really a fan

He's right. Arabic is underrepresented in Germany.

>How do you feel about increasingly more people in your country speaking English in their daily life?
Doesnt happen

But that's wrong. Germans always switch to English whenever they meet a foreigner. In fact, many German language learners complain that they cannot practise their skills because everyone just wants to show off their English skills

I don't have that problem. I'm still the only person i know that speaks any English whatsoever.

If they're words that are close cognates anyway, I don't really care. Like how you might see "SALE" in shop windows here, which is a word closely related to Swedish since ancient times. I prefer that to the otherwise common "REA", which comes from French.

Only 3% of my country speaks english. Not worried at all.

>"REA", which comes from French.
??? what
does it come from "remise" ? how do you even go from "remise" to "rea" ?

People should just all switch to english, everything would be so much better
Not even memeing here, give me one reason why we shouldn't do that

>Germany was at fault for WW1

because us hegemony is collapsing so it's fucking pointless now, you are late, i would have agreed with you 30 years ago

Réalisation. Or maybe it's straight from latin. In either case, it's a completely foreign root.

Hearing manglish, a horrific butchered english mixed with malay, chinese and hindi terms and grammer gives me cancer.

The fact that you think that Waterloo and not Leipzig was the most important battle during the Napoleonic War shows how brainwashed you are by Anglo propaganda.

oh ok
i don't understand why you'd say that though, like realisation translates to realization in english(obviously), how does that imply selling things for cheap idk

There is more Chinese speakers in the world than English. By your "thinking" we should learn Chinese then.

>I prefer that to the otherwise common "REA", which comes from French.
This. Latin is disgusting.

Not him but Chinese isn't much spoken outside of China like English. Also USA is much more influential than China. It's not strictly about speaker numbers.

The only reason germany got punished so hard was because France and Britain were pissy about the war. Germany didn't start the war.

It's about liquidating assets, to realize (make real) their monetary value.

Nobody fucking cares nerd, they lost the war so you nazis have to pay.

Scheiß Ausländer!
Warum spricht hier denn keiner mehr deutsch?
Und was soll eigentlich dieses "summer sale" kann hier keiner mehr deutsch oder was? Das heißt Sommerschlussverkauf Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn!

t. grandma

We has talking about WWI. You insane retarded.

He was wrong about WWI anyway so it's not like it matters

He was not wrong.
You shitty French revanchist ignite the war. You were so butt hurt about the Franco Prussian war that could not ignore Russia asking for help.
Germany did not start the war. Russia did and you fueled it. I hope you are proud of the outcome. The complete destruction of Europe started that day.

I'm not French you mong

It's the USA

>increasingly more people in your country speaking English in their daily life?
I wish. That useless slavshit bubbling we are speaking here isn't going to be replaced anytime soon unfortunately.

Jesus, i think i am becoming blind.

But you have part on it too. Could have ignored the occupation of Belgium. You would still own half the world.

>I'm not French you mong

I feel absolutely horrible about it. I don't know what can be done to stop it. I think the main thing pushing it is the utility factor. I wonder what could be used to make Swedish come to be more omnipresent. Maybe some sort of thing to give it more prestige.

Even the batshit nationalists aren't even concerned about this. They use englishit as much as anyone. Often more because their ideology has little reference points in Sweden, so they point to famous nationalists from other countries. That's actually one of the things that's so weird about swedish nationalists; they don't really seem to care about swedish culture. They don't ever point to any examples from history of what they think is great about Sweden, they mostly just whine about how they "aren't allowed to be patriotic" and that people are trying to suppress swedish culture, but they only seem to be arguing in favour of people being nationalists, not in favour of Sweden being great. Strange.

Good, Dutch is a disgusting language.
everyone here speaks english anyway might aswell start phasing out Dutch

>German minister complains that too many people are speaking English in Berlin
>"not enough Turkish speakers desu", stated the minister

Nobody really speaks english here, and it won't replace spanish.
What i find really stupid is the use of english words or terms leaking into our everyday speech, as a result widespread americanisation. The upper classes does it a lot, since they are specially influenced by this american hipster culture.
I probably speak better english than most of these people (certainly with not much of an accent), and i ever use english terms unless it's needed. It's a lack of identity.

Maybe it's because bongs could learn it easily, but they refuse out of sheer arrogance, ignorance and despise for our culture and people.
You are basically the same as turks, in that way.
Second theory is: it's berlin. One of the most visited places. So the waiters probably switch to english automatically to avoid the usual "oh sorry I don't speak german".

It's not arrogance, it's just practicality.
You speak English, I speak English, why don't we just converse in English then?

Ah yes. It's the ''arabic and turkish is fine but fuck english'' german mentality.

It does actually in Basel. There aren't many people who speak English only but people like this exist.

>Germany wasn't at fault for WW1 despite giving Austria-Hungary two big thumbs up for starting the war
>Without kraut support the Austro-Hungarians would not have invaded Serbia
>Monkeys in charge of world history

I'm too used to bong shitiness to believe this, but I hope you are right

>let's make the same b8s as in the last thread to satisfy my autism

It was the Austrians fault and Austrians are basically just Germans
So yeah it was the German's fault again

It's always the German's fault anyways, and whenever it isn't, it's the Jew's fault. Tgis is how the world works.


I am Greek

Well the rest of us are equally used to German shitiness, so it goes both ways fella.

Dutch isn't going anywhere.

Our shitiness includes being stiff, your shitiness includes hate, bullying and violence towards us for "le world wors" and brexit.
But I think we can both agree that our people are equally arrogant and ignorant.

We didn't let them in, the burgers did. Our foreign minister at that time even expicitly said that the cultural differences would be too big but the USA forced it because they wanted their rockets in t*rkey

In the Netherlands Turks and Moroccans speak Dutch, while Anglos don't.

>I'm not French
aren't you british though?

>be British
>go to restaurant
>ask for a complete British meal
>complain when did not receive kebab and falafel

Yes, i know it's not related to the discussion. I just wanted to shitpost.


>I'm not Anglo
Aren't you Canadian though?

yes because anglos in the netherlands are tourists and turks/morrocans aren't


I am canadian, and i am anglo, and therefore french

Shit, you've got me there.

>But I think we can both agree that our people are equally arrogant and ignorant.
The British are in general more free market and practical than socialist + moralist/idealist Germans. That's the main difference that has wrecked Germany historically and will wreck Germany in the long run.



Go back to Germany, Hans