Emma Stone!!!, Natalie Portman...

> Emma Stone!!!, Natalie Portman, and Amy Adams are among the many movie stars who joined in to sing Gloria Gaynor’s 1979 hit “I Will Survive” ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration.
She is the worst Emma after all.

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All the Emmas are cancer. It's just a matter of what kind of cancer you want.

I'm also quite disappointed with some of these people. I thought they would be mature about it, but I guess that's not possible.

I coulda sworn Matt was a god fearing Texan republican


Seriously unless they admit to support trump like Scott Baio, just assume they fucking hate him. He is a horrible clown, any reasonable person would hate him.

>b-b-b-b-but herslag said israel is wrong, herslag is ourgirl

said the beta.

/poltv/ BTFO once again


>YFW you realize all your favorite actors and directors are liberal faggots

Feels bad man, still like their movies

kill yourself Sup Forumscuck