Which dead character from the Walking Dead do you miss the most?
Which dead character from the Walking Dead do you miss the most?
James Butler
Sebastian Peterson
Ryan Young
Tyreese & Merle
William Fisher
Hudson Roberts
Wow I totally forgot about the black girl from season 1.
David Campbell
that manlet on the right kek.
when will they learn?
Tyler Rodriguez
Well considering the guy in the far right became The Penguin for the Gotham show. I'm kind of happy for him.
I wish we could have more of The Governor and that black guy from the Wire. Everyone else was meh-tier.
Lucas Russell
Beth, I love Emily Kinney's delicious flat chest.
Jace Jackson
there are two black guys from the wire in that picture (and another one that was still on the show last i checked)
Kayden Jenkins
this, very tight