Faces of Sup Forums

faces of Sup Forums


my son

Girls say I look like Superman.

you look like chechen


I have this kind of nose and other Finns hate me for it

99% of Finns have very small or flat snub noses

yes i would avoid you in the night

friendly tip: you'll look better with a thicker neck

Hate you why?

Show yourself

t. krycek

nice hairline sweetie


I'm a coward

oh it's you
still cute i see



>99% of Finns have very small or flat snub noses

it's called asian nose

Hoвыe фoтки пocти быcтpa блять

>posting your whole face on Sup Forums

Are you girl poster?



That's a Tunisian dude called Izem, ignore him

>other finns hate me :(
there there you fugging special snowflake

You look like an elder scrolls character

I say you look like a bitch

Shit, you look like a pussy, I feel like people laugh at you when you get angry

ahhh ty

этa пocлeдняя чтo я дeлaл

Wait is this actually you? I thought it was a joke at first, are you missing the top 1/4 of your head? Where's your scalp gone

post more boi

wtf? its there


Right! I mean he barely has a forehead, and his hair style makes it worse

Is this why you can't touch the tops of babies heads? You look like you could easily rest drinks on top of that flat noggin

Where the fuck is your forehead? Please tell me your hair is covering it up.


Tы для хвocтa вoлocы oтpaщивaeшь?
У мeня дpyг вoлocы тpeтий гoд pacтит чтoбы c хвocтoм хoдить

what is this haircut?


дa хoчy хвocт кaк y aмидaмapy

first time i hear this bs, stop trolling guys


your forehead is weird

Just from that a can tell your a cunt



Go wet your hair and take a picture of it so we can see how flat your head is, I mean all you're really doing is playing FIFA manager mode you don't need it dry


You have a cunt face too

And no muscle either? Shit, your definitely a pussy.



You look like you've seen more than a couple pickles up close.

kek... the ultimate bracocephilic indonigger subhuman

hm it may be just your hair

t. Sardinian cranium expert



i never had gf but nobody ever called me ugly, wtf you guys, here is me with short hair


What would your hairline look like if you shaved your head?

Would you get grounded if you used the actual word?

Change your fucking hair style, I'm not even joking. It does not help your looks AT ALL!


You look like a bitch

salty chicano of my aryan genetics?

>this kills the petukh

post pic with timestamp pls


Until you post yourself i'll assume i could probably make you kneel and take a piss on your head


Who poked you in the eye lad

lol I am mexican, but you honestly do look like an elder scrolls character (oblivion, not Skyrim)
Like for real, nothing you can do will ever change that.

fuck me user

You look like the brainlet meme.

Grow a beard

You look like a cool guy buy also someone people get annoyed with after a while

He is not chechen you idiots.

Heil Hitler

other pic

Its funny how you basically look like me.
Where do you live?

why did you post it vertically this time?

try smiling

du bist nicht komisch, indeum du meine bilder hier verbreitest

maybe some kind of a comb over, like this

>This is what has become of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Pretty handsome dude tbqh

And yeah you definitely look like Henry Cavill in some pics

me uezs

Bad taste

was junge

Throughout my I life I've been told "he looks like he killed someone"

I could definitely make you do that

Fug u

fuck u

Yeah you look better with the beard, like a nicer person.

damn i gotta start lifting

Thenk you




literally me