Is his campaign over?
Is his campaign over?
If anything that makes me more hyped
>Frenchman saying that
You know Hitler hated French right?
"omg hes just like hitler"
and then he just loses to crooked hillary, wtf
WTF are you saying? WTF isn't this triggering you HITLER HATED IRISH
>"omg hes just like hitler"
>and then he just loses to crooked hillary, wtf
This doesn't make Trump look bad, it makes Hitler look good.
Shut the fuck up it does make him look back.
Hitler was eloquent and a fantastic speaker, Trump just says the first thing that crosses his mind
>Shut the fuck up it does make him look back
makes me look back too. Look back to when germany was great. Lets make america great again too!
>Look back to when germany was great. Lets make america great again too!
Germany was never great except 1970s+
America was never great. Name a period America was great.
>Posted in march 2016
Still not over m8, the train is still on high energy
Everyone hates the French, m8.
Everyone loves em except Nazi trash.
>Germany was never great except 1970s+
He won't win.
This ad came out when Rubio was still in the race lol.
It hurts my heart and intelligence that some of you think Trump is even remotely comparable to Hitler.
>Everyone loves em except Nazi trash.
Nazis took Paris without a bomb or shot fired. They respected the people, their culture and land marks.
That's disgusting
He probably won't win, but the 2016 election will be interesting
You're fucking disgusting. You hurt my intelligence you degenerate.
>respected their people
Oh sure, is that why they raped their women, tortured them, told them they are genetically inferior subhumans.
They're practically Algerians, you dumb cuckold.
>implying he was actually running for president
Kill yourself.
Trump is a con artist,a fraud,a narcissist who has no core set of beliefs.He will do and say anything to get to power.
It is insulting for Hitler to be compared to this buffoon.
>chinkLEAF having the ability judge
>Oh sure, is that why they raped their women, tortured them, told them they are genetically inferior subhumans.
I hope you have cancer. You probably like TITO.
At least Trump has beliefs. Hitler just took money from bankers to put Germany in debt.
>I hope you have cancer. You probably like TITO.
>At least Trump has beliefs. Hitler just took money from bankers to put Germany in debt.
>Kill yourself.
>Trump is a con artist,a fraud,a narcissist who has no core set of beliefs.He will do and say anything to get to power.
>It is insulting for Hitler to be compared to this buffoon.
They told all non-Nordics and all non-blue eyed people they we were inferior in gods view.
He didn't defeat them. Germany was in massive debt by the end of the war.
I couldn't tell which one was Trump and which was Hitler
so I will vote for Hitler this time
ps am a yank abroad in bongland
meh,my bad,I didn't even read your previous posts.
We all know user
>They told all non-Nordics and all non-blue eyed people they we were inferior in gods view.
Oh really? Why where there african nazis then?
Pic related.
thanks for correcting the record friend
I, too, am #MentallyHill
You're getting banned for trolling, and for being a shit one.
we all know your a troll and are a proxy ausse