Could i live in Finland exclusively speaking Swedish?

Could i live in Finland exclusively speaking Swedish?

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Yep. Närpiö/Närpes only has Swedish speakers and 15% refugees.

Not really. Even swedish speaking healthcare is being taken down in Vaasa.

No, fuck off.


Technically yes.
Move to Helsinki/Espoo where fucking everything is bilingual from city services to street signs and jobs. Even political parties are bilingual, except true Finns.

Small town Swedish life? Try Vaasa or Jakobstad.

I hope so. I'm moving there in 9 days, and will hopefully be able to do just that.

Nobody speaks Swedish in Espoo

Good luck. I'm sure you'll manage with English as well.


Where in Espoo do you live? I regularly take the bus to Southern Espoo and around there, and every time there's a cute fennoswede or two.

I meant the real Finns. We have the same level of Swedish proficiency as people in Lieksa.

>I meant the real Finns

you should be able to survive with speaking english only
probably not with swedish

Yes in Åland and in some shitty villages in östrabothnia

Pretty cool

>language racism

It really is a little sweden.

Could I leave in England exclusively speaking Pakistani?

No such language exists. In Pakistan they speak Urdu.

Yes. In fact you'll receive more rights for doing so

you wont understand the dialects. had a friend born and raised in kemiö and the shit sounds like demon speak.

I'm sure it just takes a little getting used to.

more like a lot of getting used to. its like finglish mixed with 18th century swedish.

You'll have to learn a ton of Finnish words at least. Every Finland-Swedish sentence contains one or two.

Are you the guy going to Turku?

>18th century swedish
best swedish, imo.

Yeah. Well, there's another guy, and I don't know exactly where he's going. But I'm the guy who is going to Turku very soon.

Turkshitborg has few hurris. You won't feel comfortable there.

Study or work?

Can I survive using only Norwegian though?

Gonna study at Åbo Akademi.

Would you survive in Germany using only Norwegian?

Alright, have fun. From what I've heard our student culture is more or less the same as what you have over there in Sweden.

I assume it'll be somewhat more intense to study in Finland.

Most of the people who get into Åbo Akademi are there because of mandatory quotas in higher education.
Finland-Swedes can just chill and never study because the standard quota is triple their population. You'll probably feel like you're surrounded by idiots I would imagine.

Don't know about that but I meant the party/socialising aspect

Oh, haha. Yeah, I imagine it is.

My hometown

How nice!

It's the most beautiful city in Finland, and ships located in riverside are awesome, they are all bars and restaurants

How is it in the winter? I've never lived so near the coast during wintertime before.

Yes. It's easy if you stay in relatively high Swedish speaking areas. Helsingfors is fine.

Turku faggot shilling his shithole to Swedes, how surprising!

How rude! Hope I never visit where you're from.

That is a picture of Åbo. Now let's see what Turku is like:

Heh you better not. Unlike Turkufaggots, here in Helsinki we beat up Swedish speakers who dare speak it outside after sundown.

>here in Helsimki we beat up Swedish speakers

Depends who you speak with. Only the more rural fenno-swedes have stronger dialects. I spoke Swedish with some Norwegian people at my job and we understood each other well.

By the seaside Swedish is spoken more than elsewhere.

You should move to Norway then. Finland is for Finns only.

You'll be fine with english. Don't try to Swedish unless it's like 50% swedish town.
Even Helsinki won't understand you

The best thing that halfhurri ever did was die

>meant the real Finns
bit racist, no??

>It's the most beautiful city in Finland,
Full of commieblocks. Turun tauti made sure of that
Unironically Helsinki takes cake easily here and I'm from Turku born and raised

Enpä taida kun olemassaoloni aiheuttaa näinkin mieluisaa peppukipua

Ei oo väärin vihata muukalaisia jotka on asettunu maahamme ja vaativat erityisoikeuksia mutta eihän tollane vitun rantahurri mamuna sitä vois ikinä käsittää. Ei teillä ole isänmaata.

Borgå is a pretty chill small town where many peope speak Swedish

Less and less every year.

good choice actually
hanken beats it though

I would imagine so. Maybe if I'd had more time to think about things I would have applied to it. As it was I only became aware of the possibility of applying to finish schools quite late in the game, with just a few weeks left until applications closed. If I'd started thinking about those sorts of things a year before I had to make a decision, who knows what would have happened.

Pretty warm, rainy, grey and usually not a lot of snow. that video pretty much sums up coastal winter.

Eh, you probably wouldnt enjoy hanken
A lot of fenno-swedes we wuz nobility shit there
They look down on middle class people like me..