American journalism

>American journalism

I'd rather go back to being the deep dark secret website that is known as pedos from the o'reily days.


Sup Forums was much better when it was treated that way. Hard to believe, but this site feels way more underage then it was in the past

This place has changed.

Probably because it is
Until two years ago the underage stayed on Sup Forums, now they flock everywhere after being indoctrinated in Sup Forums

Sup Forums must die

On Sup Forums perhaps. Sup Forums these days reminds me of the kiddies on league of legends. Just absolute prepubescent rage.

>tfw reddit destroyed Sup Forums civilization

The biggest problem right now are phonefags, traffichas pretty much doubled thanks to them

Absolutely. Everything Sup Forums has ever done to draw attention has led us further down the road to ruin.



>more media attention
Rapeape, delete that fucking board already.

>tfw been phoneposting since before it was cool

This hurts

it all started with chanology.
Moot was right.
Raids are the cancer killing Sup Forums.

Sup Forums was a mistake
What we really NEED is /l/

Project Chanology was a mistake

Hyper cringe man this place used to be the underbelly of the Internet and now it is part of the estbalishment....

In memory post old Sup Forums memes, roody-poos.

Fucking Sup Forumsniggers are worse than Sup Forumstards. Absolute newfag cancer

Sup Forums.../bant/...Sup Forums...all must die.


Those self described violent Nazis who committed terrorist acts had pepe patches and kekistan flags. Only inaccuracy here is that it's used mostly by reddit diaspora.