So, all those reviewers who boycotted Ghostbusters are boycotting Blade Runner 2049...right?

So, all those reviewers who boycotted Ghostbusters are boycotting Blade Runner 2049...right?

I mean, it had nothing to do with the cast being all-female. Nothing at all. All those major reviewers who boycotted Ghostbusters boycotted it because they're fed up with soulless crash-grabbing nostalgia-bait reboots. That's what they were taking a stand against.
I mean, sure, they didn't boycot Jurassic World, the Transformers movies, TMNT, The Manchurian Candidate, Magnificent Seven, Wrath of the Titans, Conan, Bad News Bears, the Planet of the Apes movies, or all the other hundred-plus reboots and remakes released in the past ten years that starred predominantly male casts and appealed primarily to a male audience, but I'm sure that's just coincidence.
The reason for refusing to cover or review Ghostbusters was totally about rejecting soulless reboots. As such, all those reviewers who boycotted Ghostbusters will be doing the same for Blade Runner 2049.
And they'll also be boycotting the upcoming Big Trouble in Little China reboot? And Blade? And The Blob? And Bloodsport? And Cliffhanger? And The Crow? And Creature from the Black Lagoon? etc.
Because it's about rejecting nostalgia-bait cash-grab reboots.

Other urls found in this thread:


If a film willingly involves the people involved in the previous film, is made with a good budget, is set out to entertain fans as opposed to repel them in favour of an unsavoury new fanbase, then no I have no problem with it. Whether its any good is yet to be seen but so far the direction this film is taking is much more positive than the new ghostbusters.

i am. blade runner doesn't need a sequel, villeneuve is a hack, gosling is wooden, ford is lazy, and scott is washed up

also i hate women. especially arrogant, obnoxious ones who try to misappropriate beloved movies. i have no obligation to feel otherwise. get over it

>dat mansplaining

I will user

aka logic

Blade Runner 2049 is a SEQUEL not a reboot

Same goes for Jurassic World

Transformers and Conan and Turtles and adapting the property, not remaking a previous film

Manchurian adapted the book a second time, poorly of course

Blade and The Crow would be adapting the comics again

I think my biggest issue was that they wasted that cast on a shitty ghostbusters remake. A paul feig vehicle with that cast could have been bridesmaids tier

>I hate women
>aka logic
>especially arrogant, obnoxious ones
>aka logic

There is not a single movie on that list I've seen or will see.

I don't give a fuck about Ghostbusters if it was an SJW remake, it just looked awful

Was there really a serious boycott against it?

The Maltese Falcon was made into a film three times in 10 years
First in 1931
Then changed into a comedy titled Satan Met a Lady in 1936
Then finally in 1941, this was largely driven by the first one not being suitable for rerelease as it had been made before the Hayes Code

i hate women because they say and do things i don't like. pretty logical

here here
i hated the GB remake because of the cast
hey op go watch the original GB and see how much better it is then kill your self

The difference is that you don't see the director and cast shitting on the fans of the original


he is right tho
Leslie Jones is the perfect example.

It started out like any other response to a shitty reboot and then Sony twisted the negative reaction into a war over sexism which grew over time to make a commotion far greater than that shitty movie deserved.

>god-awful trailer
>marketing revolving around calling old fans man-babies
>starring Melissa McCarthy, who isn't funny
>old actors in a cameo purely for marketing

Blade Runner 2049
>directed by the hero himself, Villeneuve
>starring /our guy/, the Goose
>atmospheric trailer that seems to have nailed the tone
>Ford returning as a lead character in the same role

Yeah, I can't see any difference

>reddit numale think a remake is the same than a sequel by the same director.


>Wrath of the Titans
is a better movie than what you deserve, op. Have you even seen it?

>implying I agree with what I posted

didn't help that any one that refused to give this dumpster fire the time of day was called by the so called tolerant left the worse names under the sun, also the director and cast shat on any one that said they didnt like the idea of a shitty all obnoxious female reboot of a all time classic comedy

nobody could really be too stupid to see the difference between the two films, right?

Bitch please. You are implying that teh audience was responsible for all that negative press. All that shit , the war on women blah blah blah, was manufactured to sell hte fucking movie. How naive can you fucking be? All that press about boycotting and bullshit was started to build hype and get people talking about it, then you have the side idiots that just get steamrolled into it because the facebooks told them they were supposed to. And all us good little sheeple took the bait, you included apparently, and just believe that people were serious so mad about women and ghosts they did this themselves. Wake the fuck up.

the liberal left are really shitty people that try to cover up their clearly racist and sexist feelings with smear campaigns and strawmaning. ghostbuster reboot was another weapon in their on going war on the western world

No actually I just hate women.

OP here, I just posted the reddit pasta. Doesn't mean I agree lmao

>get BTFO in one thread
>I know I'll make another!

It's hard to digest that all of my friends are liberals

Are any of those directed by paul feig with a massively downvoted trailer video and look like they would be terrible regardless of the sex of any of the actors?

There's a good change I wont see those.

my friend is a liberal but hes a good guy i think he wants to leave but cant

what is that picture

go back there you fucking queer

Well thats the problem.. some of them are good people but because theyre trying to be nice and have too much empathy for refugees for example, they are emotionally compromised and cannot make rational decisions. *tips fedora*


>implying reasoned arguments are only male dominated
>assuming my gender

Like, can you not ?

i agree maybe im a little to hard but when i see a liberal defend Islam or call a decent man a sexist because he disagree with them i get quite salty

spotted the newfag

>I dont want to spend money on awful shit that i dont like.

Does that mean am boycotting them?. I dont get this whining.

All fans were saying is they were not gonna see it.
Guy also dont spend money on gay porn and . Same deal.

kys my woman

it's a sequel to the original that includes harrison ford in a main role. not a shitty reboot with a shitty gimmick.

were any of those movies based on a single gimmick? one that attacks half the potential audience?

for what it's worth, i refuse to ever watch ghostbusters and have seen only magnificent seven out of the others


I was ready to boycott it originally, the idea of "Blade Runner 2" made me cringe, but I actually trust the cast and directorial team. So I'm cautiously optimistic.

and the feminist/woman continues to demonstrate their brilliant argumentation skills

2049 actually looks like it could be a good movie though, unlike Ghostbusters which was total garbage where it couldn't even hide the cash grab.

2049 is obviously a cash grab, but it looks like they have made the best of it. If it didn't have Ford in it, I'd say it would have been the best way to do a Blade Runner sequel.

>Because it's about rejecting nostalgia-bait cash-grab reboots.

Bad logic, attempting to re-frame the question to their advantage.

Hating Ghostbusters was not a matter of it just being a reboot for cash, but also for the blatant "GURRRRLL POWWERRR" marketing and general theme in the film. A soulless and petty cash-grab masquerading as a story to empower "funny" women.

Why else would Sony delete the lukewarm comments from the famously-hated YouTube trailer and leave the flamethrower shit in there?

Fucking this. Have an upboat!))))))

>Insult your core demographic
>They don't watch your movie
Oh wow, I didn't see that one coming.

I'll torrent it like any other sea-boot. If they want my money, Hollywood needs to present some new ideas.

Also, I tend to support honest filmmakers more than I get excited for any particular movie.

you don't "boycott" movies you idiots.

All politics aside, the new Ghostbusters movie could not escape its mediocre script. I didn't hate it, but I will probably never watch it again.

Or, more likely, they are simply centrists that have adopted a progressive platform because it has become the acceptable thing to do, i.e. virtue signaling.

Meanwhile, any mass movement leftist that does not want to wrap themselves in the identity politics du jour is still either naive or a political pariah.

Villeneuve cannot make a soulless movie.

Is this an on set photo or do they usually tote guns around in casuals.

I'm seeing this simply because baby goose is in it. He's never let me down

Captchya: DRIVE olan

sure why not, will you shut up about it now?