What's your ideal way to watch movies?

What's your ideal way to watch movies?

reddit weather gay tent etc etc

I don't watch crap like harry potter

did you just call rain "reddit weather"
holy shit

harry potter movies reminds me of an ex who I watched the series together with for years

so no. this will just make me depressed and annoyed

replace the rain with snow pls

we've reached critical mass

LotR Kino instead of Pottershit

But everything else is fine

Replace Harry Potter with something not gay.

Replace pizza with cheese and crackers.

Replace the bed with a couch

I don't want to eat in bed. I especially don't want to eat anything greasy in bed like a pepperoni pizza. I also have no interest in the Harry Potter movies. I agree, cold overcast days are very good times to settle in with movies. That said, a nice couch is preferable to me, personally.