Comfy Landscape Thread

ITT: Let's post comfy landscape pictures from our countries and enjoy others.


Jeg drakk meg dritings på en bar på Svalbard. Teller ikke det?


vette fan. Det var en norrman som tog bilden och han påstår att det är världens nordligaste bar



here comes the low budget Hungarian version of your pic

Det er jo rart, vi har barer i Norge som er lengre nord enn de nordligste delene av Sverige, for eksempel i Honningsvåg nær nordkapp (i tillegg til Svalbard såklart). Men det var uansett et stilig bilde - ville drukket meg dritings der/10.

Is this gotland?

wrong maine pic

sexy walls, wish the few city walls that were in the US were still around

Det kanske är jag som minns fel. Möjligtvis så är det den nordligaste baren i Sverige, inte hela världen

why does that church have no roof?


It's pretty nice desu!

It's a ruin from a church that was built in 1233

Pic I took when I was heading to Tofino, but this is well before there in the foothills.


They are committed. When you pray to god, you are not to ceil yourself from him.

why don't you refurbish it? it sits in what seems like the middle of the city and you're a rich country, you have no excuse to behave like us poor eastern euros and squander our legacy




Why didn't you take care of it?



Gotland was an independen kingdom (and sometimes part of Denmark) until they became Swedish in 1645. By then the church had already fallen into disrepair and who gives a fuck about a dumb church anyway? Hail Oden


sad desu

May Thórr be with you.




Nice boats, but I know you have nice nature too, Oscar.

fy fan är de stockholm eller? ser för jävligt ut

Det är lite överallt i landet.

Värmländsk granskog > Stockholmska kala klippor




I don't have any own photos but here's one of my favourite places on earth

I love this. Only bad thing is that if you go hiking there it must be hot as hell.

>Nyplanterad skog blandat med kalhyggen

New England, comfiest state

Hvorfor brever dere båter?



Skjærgården utenfor stockholm?

Not if you go in the fall or winter. Even summer isn't too terrible in that area.


sluta breva fula jävla klippor vem fan vill se det?

Datz rite ya'll mhmmm

För båtkultur är ursvenskt

Bra brev

Jag vill

Samme i Norge, men brev natur i stedet er du snill.

jävla mupp

> "För båtkultur är ursvenskt"


Vi har inte samma typ av natur som Norge med enorma fjordar. Vi har väldigt mysiga skärgårdsklippor med röda stugor och båtar.



North Cascades has some nice land.
Where's this?


Majestic. Is it in Russia?

>Vi har inte samma typ av natur som Norge med enorma fjordar
tala för dig själv, östkustbo

Här kan du se riktiga träd ponken

klart som fan att det är i ryssland ärru dum eller?

Its Sarek (a national park) in northern Sweden.

This is ebin. All the pictures of Norway look awesome. Is there much camping/hiking in the Summers?


Dere har mye fin natur, Oscar. Bilde relatert er fra Sverige.







No Idea. Looks like Caucasus to me.


>New England



Of course it's a state lol
>American education



Norwegians are autistic about hiking, so you can hike almost anywhere with signs, tracks whatnot.

You won't believe, but this is in Russia.

It's not, tho.

whats the temperature?


Some autumn tundra for you, folks.


New England is a geographical region comprising six states of the northeastern United States: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut

how fucking hard was that

Yes it is

>so many awesome places on Earth but I was born in this forest shithole aka South Urals


And don't think Norwegians let winter hinder them in doing some hiking. We have 5000 years of ski touring traditions.

I know I'm just trying to cover up how much of a retard I am for thinking that New England is a state

