Is meditation a meme?

Is meditation a meme?
>do you meditate?
>How long have you done it?
>did you see any results?

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The thing about meditation is that it clears your mind from distractions. We live in a day and age where we're bombarded by distractions, so of course many people who try meditation see results. Truthfully we all just need to sit back, relax, and listen to music or just reflect on things.

Music causes ear worms. I fucking hate that.

2 years
It quite literally was the most important thing I did to get my life back on track.

yes it works. do it daily and you'll feel great

it is basically the opposite of compulsively using the internet so it really won't feel good for a while until you've gotten more used to it and can clear your mind

>got my life back on track
Would you mind elaborating? Thanks.

>7 years
>it helps me relax.
Sometimes I get brief white flashes, like there's a flashlight passing before my eyes.
I also see very vibrant end lifelike fields of grass passing beneath me, like I'm an eagle soaring above them, but I ignore stuff like that and focus on my meditation. It doesn't have any meaning.

i find my mind and thoughts are firing too much and too often, not contributing anything. It all has to do with the negativity bias, in my opinion. Meditation is a way for our brains to break down this habit and help convert the cluster of shit that is our brain in to a more calm state.

I was a friendless, depressed, and virginal wanker who couldn't focus on even the simplest tasks at work. Eventually I got fired for incompetence and found myself stuck at home with literally nothing to do and no motivation to do anything. Sustained meditation fixed both the focus and motivation problems.

Wow. Well done man. Never knew it could be this life changing.

I'd like to hear some more of this, every time I've meditated has been great but I've had trouble keeping a consistent habit of it.

How much different does it feel doing it consistently over a long period of time?

Apparently this monk I met used to have panic attacks and he just couldn't do anything pressurizing without succumbing to depression or rapid heart rates. After years and years of training, he's able to function like a normal human being and even developed superior attention and calmness over an average man.

>and virginal wanker who couldn't focus on even the simplest tasks at work. Eventually I got fired for incompetence and found myself stuck at home with literally nothing to do and no motivation to do anything.

that hit home. You convinced me to develop a routine. any tips?

Can watch this guy's videos to gain better understanding of what it means to meditate for a start.

It's akin to becoming a gym rat; difficult at first but once it becomes a habit, you can't imagine not doing it. At first, you might feel discouraged because you're making literally no progress (or so it seems). Keep at it for at least two weeks and you'll see results.
This is by far the best book I've found that takes the reader from novice to adept:

i think it's less likely to have anxiety or panic attacks when you are suicidal, because you only get that stuff because you fear the fear itself. When you are suicidal, you don't give a shit about fear because you know you can easily take the exit.

Meditation is literally just thinking but everyone these days is too busy with media to just take a bit of time to think.

it's literally not thinking though..

>Is meditation a meme?


Confirmed. Meditation is a hoax initiated by the Jews to control the world population.

it apparently requires emotion, like detaching yourself from the 'identity' you think you have and remove all identity altogether, allow yourself to feel one with the universe, or one with your laptop, become anything you want and know you aren't confined to your ego.

It really is that simple. It's just inwards thinking. People like to make everything romantic and mystical and use it as an excuse to feel better about themself. "Meditation" is just a thought process everyone should be doing

>how do you do it?

Lie in bed (it really doesn't matter what your position is as long as you're comfortable but not so comfortable you'll fall asleep) and then I do some relaxation techniques. I tense up my legs for a few seconds,then release. Tense up my arms,release. Scrunch up my face,release. I then allow my bed to entirely support my body. I have to know that the bed will support me and I release all tensions in my body. I close my eyes then I just empty my mind. This part takes a level of self discipline since you need to be able to not focus on any thoughts that entire your mind at all

>how long
4 years

>did it help
Yes. It made my mind clearer and has allowed me to overcome stressful situations and anxieties. But,true change can only come from yourself. Meditation is simply a pathway to self improvement.


I've been meditating for about a year now, it's helped me with anxiety, you need to be somewhat proficient at it before it will help however. It may be a few weeks before you see results.

Yes goy, never learn about the power of the human spirit, never develop yourself spiritually or emotionally. Never mind your worries goy, these pills will solve all your problems for cheap.