Simpson gags that make no sense, have no joke whatsoever, or it seems to be a reference to something nobody gets.
try to keep it "classic simpsons" as possible
Simpson gags that make no sense, have no joke whatsoever, or it seems to be a reference to something nobody gets.
try to keep it "classic simpsons" as possible
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I always thought this one was funny but people always get confused by it
white people dont know about spices
That's a Siegfried and Roy reference you fucking mongoloid
OP is likely millennial.
but that was kinda funny. the airline sent their tiger to the wrong airport like it was just a suitcase (kinda funny), then wants them to identify their tiger from a huge sign that just happens to be right there (kinda funny). siegfried and roy doesn't seem to be sure, even though it should be obvious it's 6 (kinda funny).
99% of humour is setting them up and knocking them down
Establish a scenario with all the normal rules and conventions, but do so with such brevity that the audience is able to easily predict the outcome of the scenario (Marge will know what a very common spice like oregano is) and then deliberately and knowingly alter that outcome to something ludicrous (Marge inexplicably has no idea what oregano is and furthermore reacts with near disgust to its presence on a spice rack).
we're all millennials here.
wow you're so intellectual
said it better
people can't just be stupid anymore, always has to be a group