How the fuck has this motherfucker had a 20 year career doing the same character/voice in everything?

How the fuck has this motherfucker had a 20 year career doing the same character/voice in everything?

He seems like an okay enough guy

>20 year career
Archer and Bob's Burgers only started this decade stupid

His delivery is good and his voice unique.

Why is tv all hate?

He's got a great voice.

>His delivery is good and his voice unique.
Name 5 good roles he's had

Plebs just dont know

H Jon Benjamin was hilarious in Nathan For You when Nathan does the mock interviews

He's chill doesn't mind being voice casted since less work for him not having to change his voice. Most of characters still have there own personality so it doesn't get old to hear him on different stuff. I mean he's pretty much just doing what all voice actors do now, they usually don't have them try to change there voice at all.

what is this?