/dixie/ Southern US & Friends

DIXIE TIME edition

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good post

exterminate yanks

he is /ourguy/ after all, boys

he came through for us in the end

>the Emperor protects
I wonder how much shit he's going to get for this

god bless donald trump

he's going to get an outrageous amount of shit for it

luckily Lee is remembered for his character

Lee did nothing wrong

He lost

>picked up the outfit and tail from UPS

>tfw the war will never be remembered as a conflict between both honorable and dishonorable men fighting for their own beliefs

10/10 post

he lost because his plans to invade the north were found by a union scout on the body of a courier

and that was NOT his fault

its simply the way things happened unfortunately

There's an entire series of books based upon that not happening

Why are Americans so obsessed with their civil war?

In most other nations civil wars are seen as shameful occurences and people try to forget them.

No, he wrote an extra set and they were found wrapped around 3 cigars sitting next to a fence. There was no body involved. It was the only way McClellan was going to stand a chance. It undoubtedly cost the Lee the war.

>In most other nations
The US is not any other nation

Because many of the issues that caused their civil war still exist in America today.

I would like to read them. I firmly believe that had Lee won at Antitam (Sharpsburg) France and Britain woukd have declared for the CSA and the war won.

its really one of those keystone moments that changed everything

one reason is american is so big that there was never really uniform education on the issue, people passed down stories of the war themselves

god he was such a faggot, he almost handed us the war

he wanted to hold out as long as he could so he could challenge lincoln in the election for presidency, and then magnanimously swoop in and patch things up with the south by giving them whatever they wanted


I don't know what the quality is like but the concept for the first few books seems interesting

That was basically the democrat strategy. McClellan was great at organizing armies, but he was a coward.


not really

race relations in the south have never been better

when you see chimping out, it's always in a big urban area or somewhere in the rust belt nowadays, somewhere where blacks moved to after the war looking for work, were corralled into ghettos and forgotten about

southern blacks on the other hand stayed in one place and built themselves up and are too busy working in their own communities to really give a shit

yeah when the union finally moved they were armed to the fucking teeth and had enough rations for months

the south had an advantage in superior officers and incredible morale after their string of victories early on, but the longer the fighting went on the worse off the confederacy would be, they'd never have the capability to match the union's industry


This is one about the failure to occupy Little Round Top during the battle of Gettysburg, though it's more of a Back to the Future type thing

because it wasn't really a civil war
>people try to forget them
completely untrue, see the English Civil War (an actual civil war) for an example.

I can't speak for France, but Britain would never have declared over the ACW.

The south's morale was down at the time of Antietam. The loss of the Virginia, as well as New Orleans, were huge blows to southern morale. The worst of it was Maryland, the south entered expecting to be hailed as liberators and heroes, but were instead treated coldly. By contrast the Union forces in Maryland were treated like kings.

I wasn't referencing race relations, but the hard partisan politics, state's rights, and the sense of agrarian (rural) vs industrial (urban). These still exist in America.

They almost did, a vote in parliament was called and was widely expected to easily pass in favour of southern recognition. PM Palmerston stopped it wanting a concrete southern victory. Had Lee beaten McClellan's army at Sharpsburg, this would have been that. Instead he lost, Lincoln got the victory he needed to push through the early form of the emancipation proclamation, and neither Britain nor France would ever again come close to declaring.

he meant declaring war with the United States on behalf of the Confederate States, not recognition. That would have been orgasm-worthy though.

holy fuck lads trump just beat the communists the fuck out and saved the south

That's my favourite part of the Civil War and I even saw Chamberlain's house for sale in Bangor, ME a couple years back. Chamberlain and the Maine regiment were incredible, holding little round top was probably the single greatest act of valour in the entire war.
I can't remember where I got the quote, and I'm paraphrasing, but one Alabama officer said something like "before we met Maine we were undeafeated, now I pray we never meet them again."

It would have been war. The south did screw themselves a bit by trying to extort Britain though.

i saw

he's amazing when the dipshits in the confederate government let hundreds of thousands of tonnes of cotton rot in harbor to try and drive the price up and the british and french just start buying ottoman cotton instead

fucking morons

What did he do?

he said neonazis (muh alt right) and antifa (muh alt left) both suck

and now everyone is shitting their pants

habbenings? pls tell what habbened.

but why is this awesome and why does it save the south against nk or?



Trump basically said that both said are to blame for the whole incident and that hes agaisnt taking the statues down
which is litearlly nothing but the truth but somehow for cnn hes the most racist person i nthe history of ever
honestly its kinda sad the state of cnn

>why is it awesome
Because they left needs to leave us the fuck alone and our politicians are too spineless to say that

God Bless him

its absolutely incredible how this gets reported. its so good to see him tell it like it is. omg. shadilay!

wait what?
please dont tell me its a butt plug

It is so sad the state of the major newspapers. not one of them reports even remotely fairly on him. It is all so spun to the negative. it makes me sad and also snarky to see how dumb most people are that they just believe whatever the media message is.
anyway, yeah, the history revisionism in this country is getting hysterical and i dont mean in a good way.


Whether you're being serious or ironic you should still fuck off




where in the god's forgotten cesspit are these newfags leaking from

He's the one who asked

within 2 weeks of /semen/ refugees we're getting overran

>tfw people in here are new af
>old memes are unheard of

The fucking BBC site looks more like Fox News than CNN
CNN literally lost it

and what do we do to stop the eternal yank destroy our general and make it into /semen2 electric boogaloo/


>Trump is talking about the WPA 2: electric boogaloo
>I'm not even mad because at least it's not fucking welfare
What has this country come to


animeposters and memelords dont need (sen)'s
hell thats why 90% of the posts in /semen/ and /brit/ are just senseless drivel made as a desperate attempt to recieve some sort of attention

>just checked CNN
lol it looks like the fucking Huffington Post

i wish our cnn was also that mad
its just normal news here, no trump

>people citing the Huffington Post
it happens sometimes like they think its real

even places like the new york times arent on that much damage control

I only post anime when I'm posting on my laptop because that's all I have on this

I know people who unironically believe that they're genuine and not a blogging sight

Yanks need to take a field trip to Andersonville haha.

CNN is the propaganda wing of the CIA senpai

they've been lost since the 70s

the trick to keeping /dixie/ thriving is the quality of posts turkbud, the best thing to do about low quality posts is label them yankee and move on

good post

>the best thing to do about low quality posts is label them yankee and move on
>responds to the crypto-Yank Indianan

>the trick to keeping /dixie/ thriving is the quality of posts turkbud
christ might as well sucked me off instead of praising me that much senpai

his post referred to perhaps reopening andersonville

i see absolutely nothing wrong with that

>christ might as well sucked me off instead
thats the other conway senpai

>shouting down the reporters
Christ I want to meet him

all conwaegins are faggets
btw what would be the plural of the people living in conway?
in my mind it sounds like conwaegs, like some irish word

Conwegians probably. It's like Norway

>Excuse me, excuse me. Take it nice and easy.

Fucking magnificent.

>all conwaegins are faggots
ill just leave this pic here

and im conway is an irish word yeah, means "headsmasher"

>tfw no Dixie gf

they make em fine in the south portubro

Me in the pic

When the South secedes we will ally with Iran, Syria and North Korea.

>CSA: Axis of Evil

Who would be the president ?

>Trump finally decides to get involved personally
>goes to one of these monuments to try to dissuade the left from demolishing it
>anti-fa assassinates him and turns him into a martyr
>Mike Pence uses his memory to turn the US into a constitutionalist God-fearing republic again
>America is great again, now and always
Trump is the hero that America needs ;_;

>you'd see, and you'd know it if you were honest reporters - and most of you aren't

>tfw i will never be a kike like my grand supreme leader



haven't been this satisfied with a trump speech in weeks

Based Alex

I don't even know of any good Southern politicians that would fit the role. El Rato is too much of a cunt

Honestly pretty happy with what he's been able to do so far.

he turned the shit around on the left by calling attention to their role in provoking the majority of the violence

outstanding trumpery

>what do you think can be done to heal the racial divide in this country
God bless him

Race relations tanked because Washington sold out US manufacturing and fucked the black working class


>(((David Lytle)))

what did he mean by this

autistic thread, should be banned

I don't know who it is but he's verified so he's probably one of the reporters who """""reclaimed""""" the (((echoes))) like fags reclaimed queer or some other shit

Bavaria is a state ,its like waving the texan flag which is completely fine.

>I vomited on election night.
>I bawled for 20 minutes.

>This person is a father and a teacher, but he can't handle the pressure and stress of someone he doesn't like being elected president.


>reclaiming echoes

the whole point was that they won't shut the fuck up about it

16 years of failed elections and yet i have never seen anyone taking his feelings to such an extreme
Yankees are spoiled manchildren

I thought it was stormweenies saying that their actions echoed throughout history

they're literally having a meltdown because he pointed out antifa started the fights

nothing will come of it and it will get dropped in a week

you'll notice they've dropped the RUSSIA shit since it was going nowhere

i think its north korea now instead of russia isnt it?
how far will the eternal yank go...
