ITT: Music only musicians will understand
i'm not a musician and i understand congratulations you triple nigger
shut up you little bitch
big black cock
I'm a musician and I like this album, but what is there really to understand? It derives a lot from their influences, I was mostly awed by the way they developed songs throughout their duration and the great chord progressions.
>I’m a musician
doubt it
So I'm retarded then. That aside, what understanding does this album have to offer to musicians?
Not exactly talking about the music itself but the subject matter, themes and the emotions of being a musician
I can see where OP is coming from if you consider the history behind the album, but regardless you're still a total faggot for thinking this.
What is confusing to you? Congratulations big theme is about being a musician and the crazy blowup that ensued after they hit the mainstream with Oracular. Read into the lyrics
>The hot dog's getting cold
>And you'll never be as good as the Rolling Stones
>Watch the birds in the airport gathering dirt
>Crowd the clean magazine chick lifting up her skirt
>The empty sky surrounds me but I can't see at all
>Wide open arms can feel so cold
>And you can sit beside me and tell me what it's worth
>But I hope I die before I get sold
>I'll keep your dreams
>You pay attention for me
>As strange as it seems
>I'd rather dissolve than have you ignore me
>all of congratulations really
sounds like shit
You really added to the discussion there user
>You have to be in the same situation as someone to appreciate or understand what they're going through
No, kill yourself
Although I doubt you're a musician, because then you'd understand that just because some of the lyrics on some of the songs of an album might be about one thing doesn't mean the music of the whole album is about that
not much discussion to begin with
>inb4 the same discussion about jacob collier like a few days ago
Get off the planet
>biggest fag on the internet replies on my thread.
Ok you can fuck off
he’s right tho
Jazz, The Doors, Sonic Youth
And somehow you need to be a musicican to know that mgmt will never be as good as the Stones? l.o.l.
Salmon Face Duplicate
The door is shit
>The door is shit
Hey now, that's not true.
i love mu
What do you mean by understand?