The 100 most acclaimed films ever. Roll, and

The last two numbers determine what you will watch.

100 Greed
99 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
98 A Brighter Summer Day
97 Sátántangó
96 La Jetée
95 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
94 Aguirre: The Wrath of God
93 Sansho the Bailiff
92 Jaws
91 A Man Escaped
90 The Magnificent Ambersons
89 Sans soleil
88 Pulp Fiction
87 Last Year at Marienbad
86 Jules et Jim
85 It's a Wonderful Life
84 Close-Up
83 Annie Hall
82 Voyage in Italy
81 Pickpocket
80 Nashville
79 Viridiana
78 The Conformist
77 Gertrud
76 A Clockwork Orange
75 Blue Velvet
74 Goodfellas
73 Pierrot le Fou
72 The Seventh Seal
71 Amarcord
70 The GoldRush
69 The Leopard
68 Rio Bravo
67 The Wild Bunch
66 Mulholland Dr.
65 Late Spring
64 North by Northwest
63 La Strada
62 Once Upon a Time in the West
61 The Battle of Algiers
60 Wild Strawberries
59 Pather Panchali
58 Ugetsu monogatari
57 Stalker
56 Shoah
55 The Apartment
54 Les Enfants du paradis
53 Fanny and Alexander
52 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
51 The Third Man

Other urls found in this thread:

50 In the Mood for Love, Wong Kar-wai
49 Barry Lyndon, Stanley Kubrick
48 Playtime, Jacques Tati
47 M, Fritz Lang
46 Chinatown, Roman Polanski
45 La Grande illusion, Jean Renoir
44 The Night of the Hunter, Charles Laughton
43 Metropolis, Fritz Lang
42 Modern Times, Charles Chaplin
41 Rear Window, Alfred Hitchcock
40 Au hasard Balthazar, Robert Bresson
39 Contempt, Jean-Luc Godard
38 The General, Buster Keaton & Clyde Bruckman
37 Casablanca, Michael Curtiz
36 Ordet, Carl Theodor Dreyer
35 Touch of Evil, Orson Welles
34 Blade Runner, Ridley Scott
33 Sunset Blvd., Billy Wilder
32 Some Like it Hot, Billy Wilder
31 L'Avventura, Michelangelo Antonioni
30 La Dolce vita, Federico Fellini
29 City Lights, Charles Chaplin
28 The Mirror, Andrei Tarkovsky
27 Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock
26 Andrei Rublev, Andrei Tarkovsky
25 Lawrence of Arabia, David Lean
24 The 400 Blows, François Truffaut
23 Raging Bull, Martin Scorsese
22 The Godfather Part II, Francis Ford Coppola
21 Persona, Ingmar Bergman
20 Rashomon, Akira Kurosawa
19 L'Atalante, Jean Vigo
18 The Man with a Movie Camera, Dziga Vertov
17 The Passion of Joan of Arc, Carl Theodor Dreyer
16 Singin' in the Rain, Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly
15 Taxi Driver, Martin Scorsese
14 Breathless, Jean-Luc Godard
13 Battleship Potemkin, Sergei Eisenstein
12 Bicycle Thieves, Vittorio De Sica
11 Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola
10 The Searchers, John Ford
09 Seven Samurai, Akira Kurosawa
08 Sunrise, F.W. Murnau
07 8½ , Federico Fellini,
06 The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola
05 The Rules of the Game, Jean Renoir
04 Tokyo Story, Yasujiro Ozu
03 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick
02 Vertigo, Alfred Hitchcock
01 Citizen Kane, Orson Welles

j.k. rolling

lol no way

Pretty standard list with some weird placements



seen, re-rolling

Seen it, rerollan

seen it, re-rolling

lmao, no way

will I ever get a feature-length one I haven't seen??