Probably the wrong place to ask (since it's basically Normie:The TV - series), but has any of you fucks seen this show? I'm Norwegian and i have watched the first two seasons ( it's decent). It was crazy popular here for a while, but now it's calmed down a little bit.
But our media claming it's blown up all over the world, from Sweden and Danmark (obviously) to fucking China, newspaper saying it's bigger than Henrik Ibsen and whatnot lol. What's your country and have you heard about it and or watched it?
Anthony Brown
Looks like a scam to me.
Jace Rogers
Never heard of it. By the looks of it though it's about 3 young white girls trying to ditch fat albert and a girl wearing a tarp.
Christopher Diaz
It's only popular amongst hipsters in foreign countries. Our shit media is just overhyping Norway's importance in the world like always
Alexander Rogers
haha, it's pretty SJW yeah, but Noora is a qt314. It's basically your typical teenage / drama show (think skins), but it's popular because it's a 100% accurate to how teenagers are (in norway), well the (semi)popular ones anyway.. not exactly showing the guys sitting in their room playing video games
Jonathan Sullivan
It's huge in Denmark, I think all my female friends, and most of my male friends have seen it. It's pretty good. Has some funny scenes that reminded me of high schools.
Angel Lee
Seems to be fairly popular in Finland. I have not watched it yet but have been planning to give it a go someday.
David Baker
i'm not going to waste my time watching shit meant for retarded women
Aaron Nelson
y-you're a retarded womyn
Isaiah Ortiz
Really? I've watched a few episodes of season 2 and it's nothing like high school was in Sweden in an affluent town. First season was a bit relatable but in season 2 it's Gossip Girl tier shit.
Isaac Hughes
drep deg selv for faen
Aaron Gomez
Calm down about it. Nobody cares, media just hypes for no reason
Luis Baker
Stop watching Skam!
Juan Ortiz
norwegian here. I think it's pretty accurate, if you take out some of the exaggerated drama
Isaac Phillips
American here, never heard of it.
Austin Lopez
Nei eg har ikkje sett (((NRK))) sin nye (((hitserie))) (((SKAM))).
Isaac Martin
This series made my miss being a russ
Camden Carter
it's literally just Skins ran through google translate to Norwegian
Chase Rivera
Norske medier overdriver bare som vanlig.
Brandon Hernandez
In the school I went to in Sweden nobody really gave a shit about what other people in school did. There were no gossip or shit like that. People just went to school and had their classes and went home. In Skam, just like in American teen shows, everything revolves around school and everybody seems to care about everyone. There are even "the popular kids".
Luke Jackson
it's quite different from Skins, and Skins didn't have russefeiring™
Bentley James
No, never. The fact it has a muslim in it makes me think its bad. t. an American >Its like Skins Oh okay, now I know for an absolute fact that it is bad
Lots of people know about and have watched Lillyhammer here though. Lillyhammer and "Kraftidioten" are the only modern works of Norwegian media I can think of. And I only saw Kraftidioten because of my roommate.
Jacob Bennett
it has the same editing style, same themes, same "one MC is focused on per season" thing
Anthony Johnson
also both jewish propaganda
Daniel Watson
How you love this show even more? >isak is a cutie
Julian Bailey
Denmark here,
Women at my workplace wont shut up about it, havent seen it though.
Dylan King
>jewish propaganda >jewish >in norway
John Green
Women at workplaces rarely shut up regardless.
Gavin Reed
tried to watch the first two episodes of season 1, i'm really past teeange angst so no thanks. and at least the girls on skins were cute, these are ugly
James Campbell
Noora's voice makes me want to kill myself
Luis Perez
One can also be ethnically "norwegian" (really dano-german) and still be spiritually jewish