Got a job at a movie theater

>Got a job at a movie theater.
>It's miserable.

I don't even like movies that much anymore. Did I make a mistake?

wtf did you expect, to jerk off and watch movies for free all day? It's a job nigger.

E.T. 2 is worst FF video

you should never make something you like your job. instead of doing what you enjoy and get paid for it like you'd think, it'll just make you stop enjoying and actively hating it. hobbies are hobbies, jobs are jobs. some shit needs to stay separate. you don't shit where you eat either.

Literally this

I get the feeling this is what sad people who never followed their dreams tell themselves to feel better.

>Le follow your dreams may may
Real life means working a job you probably won't enjoy for necessary currency. Grow up.

>Working some entry level retail job that's largely staffed by 16 year olds, the elderly, and the mentally retarded.
Time to grow up, sport.

>>Real life means working a job you probably won't enjoy for necessary currency

What is fake life?

>What is fake life
The underage outlook that you turn 18 and your job of choice falls into your lap

>loved playing vidya and discussing it
>get in to video game 'journalism'
>critical analysis, end up finding flaws in every game I play and focusing on them

This was before cynical game reviews were the in thing, and I honestly started to dislike all games because they became a chore. Quit, got a job in retail for far less money, but I enjoy video games again.

It's pretty shitty it at least you get free movies.

False. My dad spent 10 years following his dream by becoming a musician. One day he grew up, got his degree in physical therapy, and now he afford to live in a house

There's a difference between forming a progressive-rock garage band and being a member of a philharmonic orchestra. Being a musician or not has nothing to do with growing up.

Nah, I worked in a video store with a bunch of bros for two years. Funnest job I've ever had and I literally have no motivation to look for another cause I know it will never be as good.

>likes filthy frank

You deserve a wagecuck job, stupid low intellect redditor. kill yourself

Eh, I'm pretty sure his dreams died when he had you. That's not an insult on you it happens to most parents.

>t. loser who never got a job they loved.

t. underage

Fuck you, E.T 2 is true kino.

Nice projecting. Not everyone is doing an unfulfilling job just for money.

Some people actually derive meaning from what they do day in day out. Go figure.

Being a musician is not a real job

Normies need to fucking leave


I always wanted to get a comy job at a small cinema, when I was in college.

>I don't even like movies that much anymore. Did I make a mistake?
What did you think was going to happen? You were going to sit in the projection room or sell tickets all day?

I worked at AMC when I started college and knew in the first week how shit it was going to be.