Are the jokes about European effeminacy true?

Are the jokes about European effeminacy true?

In America white men defend their culture and history. They reject national suicide and mediocrity, preferring strength and achievement

But Europeans consistently side against themselves and with brown hordes who resent them. What's worse is that when they see a strong white American male standing up for himself, they try to to bring him down instead of supporting him

Why? Are they sick in the head or something? It's not psychologically healthy behavior

Kill 6 gozillions muzzies and then we talk.

come find out yank boy

How many years did you have a black president again?

A few /poltards and other assorted manchildren losing their families and jobs by outing themselves as dumbfuck supremacists hardly counts as statistically significant.

All whites are submissive cucks. End of the story

Fuck these Nazis. I would prefer a thousand fugees over one Nazi.

this a million times, fuck fascism and fuck white people.

Don't Americans pay Jews to cut their children's dicks?

Fuck off with this racist shit.

You are an inferior shit human. Deal with it. No amount of, "but muh white skin" will change that fact.

CHING CHONG WING WONG or shitskin. Either way kys.


You act like an affirmative action heads of state aren't coming to Europe too. Ireland has an Indian Prime Minister now. You think that the climate indicates your country will fare better?

We are in the same mess, but America is finding a way out while you repeat her past mistakes

This. NAZIs are fucking cancer. NAZIs destroyed Europe. NAZIs are the only reason we now have to submit to an orange turd as our "world leader".

NAZIs are also the dumbest fucking bunch of retards. Basically a personal army within your borders that is easy to manipulate by any wannabe demagogue.

NAZIs are so fucking dumb, you could get them to kill their parents if you really wanted to. You don't want that shit within your borders.

since when is defending terrorism considered preserving culture?

American leftists ala San Francisco and the universities are much worse than anything we have here.

Thank God for the language barrier. The cancer can't be imported and implemented directly like in Britain/Aus/Nz

Our left wing didn't even get 1/3th of the votes. There is nobody to put them forth.

Who is a Nazi? Define it for me, fake news. Why do you think everybody who is racist wants to invade Poland and establish a German totalitarian state?


>be american
>claim to love your european heritage
>shit talk muslims 24/7
>drink too many energy drinks
>eurotruck style ram into pedestrians
>kill white girl

i see now

.......and Leafland ;-)

>America masculinity is chimping out like niggers, getting beat up by BLM supporters and cry on the internet because 2/3rd of the country find it fair game

Also Nazis was the EU of its time,"everyone submits to Berlin because Aryan superiority" instead of "everyone submits to Brussells because human rights"

This guy has a bunch of pictures of men he thinks are handsome/sexy saved on his computer

Your mystery meat leader won't come from the left, he will come from liberals who present him as a safe, moderate choice.

Je suis Québecois

This is an oddly specific fantasy

Our current Prime Minister is a single virgin. Nobody cares about who he is in his personal life.

aside from the fact this is a reccuring bait thread, I'm pretty sure most burgers don't mean us when they say "Europeans"

Mon dieu

most whites in america don't adhere to the alt-right or whatever they call themselves right now

I'd like to inform you about a movie on this exact subject, I think it may interest you.

Why does my nigger-o-meter go fucking crazy all of a sudden?

Why does my nordcuck meter go fucking crazy all of a sudden?

Because you're from Minnesota and your ancestors were fleeing Swedes?


>american culture
>any worth preserving
>We are in the same mess, but America is finding a way out while you repeat her past mistakes
>some marginal fucking movements that even Trump is pressured into condemning

What way out are you exactly finding? Tell me when will you actually start doing something...

Also I have no problem at all with my country being multicultural.

>Tell me when will you actually start doing something
>his entire country chants USA USA USA when our President arrives

>Carry tiki torches made in china
>Give the hitler salute sloppily and with the wrong hand
>Have no clear leader, just mumbling and shuffling about
>Fat, unwashed and wearing stolen valor
>LARPing with bubba guns
Yeah, no. Hitler would gas the lot of you.

these people were bussed in by our government and instructed to chant kek

even germany, the cuck central, has monuments to dead nazi soldiers but the communists who are now somehow real americans try to destroy american history

>he said in American English on an American imageboard using the American internet to speak with Americans about American politics

I use British English desu

Shitaly is Novo africa, I hope the dead lybians were worth it

>Donald Drumpf
>our world leader
bitch please

oh shit

Our culture sucks.

Really Pope is that powerful? Wow, Roman legacy stronk

ah, yes, the "white" american phenotype


Yes life is all about what your race is and preserving it
Don't ever be with a black women even if you find them attractive you'll lose your %54 white genes if you do so!