Name me a better group of nations

Name me a better group of nations

>pro-tip: you can't.

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I WANT to sniff her pink butthole.

>antifa stamp
that doesn't seem right

It's sadly accurate.

How relevant are they though?
There are some here as well, but they usually get their whiny asses kicked and everyone laughs at them

Their Prime Minister is a gay Indian man.

hmm we had a gay italian prime minister for a while... guess they one upped us


>The mickey mouse hat

>15 of the top 18 are Anglo btw

I'll admit I'm actually an Angloboo.
More specifically UK and Australia, but I like the other nations too.


fuck off

Anglos will know imperial even if It isn't preferred

all arabs are angloboos, especially the terrorists

Why are other anglos so mean to us?

>other anglos

because you literally died en masse from a lack of healthy potatoes

>so mean to us
I think you have that backwards.


Come home,Anglo man.

Outside Dublin they don't exist, they are never taken seriously and just get appeased with words because they are a very vocal minority.
Abortion has recently come up and women from faggot universities were roaring and shouting like beasts about muh body.

The government thankfully knows that middle age to elderly catholics are the people who vote.

Because we aren't Anglos.

this is a meme(at least here in burgerland)and I know UK has some issues with you but take solace in the fact that you are ALWAYS in the love/like realm on those Euro Meme Love/kill it with fire maps.