Jesus Christ PTA, what was this?

Really, what the fuck is this movie about

Other urls found in this thread:

Read the book you pleb fuck.

You can't be this pleb. This was really straightforward film.

I read the book and still don't know what it's about.

Its about the end of an era and the death of the hippie movement by it's subsumption by corporate greed and the government.

It's a 70ies simulator. All it is about is making you feel like it felt to live in the 70ies.

I won't read some shit book about 60's scum hippies you fuck

That's pinecone for you. But honestly, the story is the last important part of his books. It's a pretty textbook example of "Metafiction."

It was fucking mesmerizing. It is one of the best literary adaptations I have seen so far and I unironically consider it to be one of the best films of the century so far.

Explain it,please

Fucking idiot.

You mean like your parents?

>unironically consider it to be one of the best films of the century so far.
Watch more films.

it's about a hippie pothead investigating nebulous and convoluted power structures as one big metaphor for 60's idealism replaced by 70's cynicism/greed

D-didn't he just do that user? It's a shaggy dog story about a massive meandering conspiracy that involves all kinds of layers of society, that ultimately ends up being irrelevant because it was all destined to self destruct anyways. The speech from the chick with the nipples about how she was an Inherent Vice - which is the tendency of a thing to diminish in value simply by existing over time. You know, it's a fucking metaphor and sheeit.

Explain what?
I mean nigga, if you read the book and the film it's pretty straightforward.
It's a pynchon novel in the form of a neo-noir.
Owen Wilson's character is a prime example of the subsumption of the hippie ideals with greed.

Great movie, the books was impossible to adapt entirely though

I do and did. Name your contestants.

Only way you don't understand this if you haven't seen noir/neo-noir films or haven't read noir/neo-noir literature or haven't seen countless fabrications of narratives of the era made by the police.

By law of exposure, you should've hit one of these and still don't get it.

You might have a single digit IQ

> and I unironically consider it to be one of the best films of the century so far.

It is.

> to understand the movie, read the book
> to like the movie, you have to read it before

Really guys? Good movies don't have to go this way.If the movie is decent,no need to read the fucking book.
But I'll give a try on it, thanks

It's Big Lebowski without the humor

The book is shit anyways, don't listen to them.

It's basically the same as the book.
But it's Pynchon, so don't expect resolved plot lines or meaningful character arcs.
It's not about that.

It's more like Pinecone saw the Big Lebo and decided to call it out on its bullshit and tell it how it actually was.

Haven't read the book. The film is brilliant on it's own merrit.

I don't take issue with its themes or message just the execution on film

It sucked

The execution is perfect for capturing the feel of paranoia and end of an era.

Please be joking. I actually pity you if you couldn't enjoy Inherent Vice.

With deconstructionist narrative films or post-modern films you have to know what the films are commenting on to understand what you are watching.

plus intelligence and artistic merit

And humor

True,but not the rule

It had great characters but they were wasted, the entire movie is two people having a conservation in different locations

It's fucking boring and stupid

I don't know user. I'm a huge pinecone fan, but I can absolutely understand why people would be intimidated and confused by his books. Especially if you go in there expecting a traditional narrative, or some airport best seller trash. It's weird, and you have to embrace it, or get the fuck out of dodge.

You have to go back.

When will plebs like you finally learn?
You are supposed to be overroled by the things happening in the film- just like the MC. At some point you simply have to let go and enjoy the beauty of a mystery ride -and the film does all in its power to help you.
I really pity you if you didn't get this.

You show your low cinematic IQ with these plebby comments mate.

So it's basically a Fear and Loathing in Las vegas remake?

End yourself.

Poor Man's The Long Goodbye.

>the cartel becomes a vertical monopoly, controlling the opium fields, the smuggling and distribution of heroin, the rehab and even the dental restoration of junkies
>this amazing metaphor of the mercantilization and full selling out of the hippie movement

Fucking Pinecone, even at his worst he still got it

* OP here *
Hm,don't like the movie too,but don't think this way.
The ''mix'' scenes along the movie with the narrative was some that I enjoyed more in this

So you're saying the movie is only enjoyable if you smoke weed?

>even at his worst
Haha, looks like someone hasn't read Against the Day yet.

Based Altman.

Have you ever gone to theater in your life?

So you're incapable of reading too. What a surprise.

This exactly

Hello hipster.

No I haven't.

So you are saying that. Good.

Howdy turbopleb.

No man. I'm saying it's a pleb filter. You didn't get past it.

>No I haven't.
The best part is you're probably some alt right fuckboi that talks about muh cultural genocide way too much.

>Comparing Altman's Long Goodbye to PTA's Inherent Vice
>I'm the pleb

Pynchons my fav writer for sure because my fav thing in books is goofs, gags, jokes and rambunctious behavior, and his books are full to the brim of it. Every novel is like one of those novelty snake cans, you open the book & POP you get a face fulla snakes and you fall back cackling. The mad mind, the crack genius, to do it! and then you think hmmm whats he gonna do next, this trickster, and you pick the book back up and BZZZZZZZZZZ you get a shock and Hahahahahah you've been pranked again by the old pynchmeister, that card. "Did that Pynch?" he says, laughing yukyukyukyuk. Watch him as he shoves a pair of plastic buck teeth right up into his mouth and displays em for you- left, right, center- "you like dese? Do i look handsome???" Pulls out a mirror. "Ah!" Hand to naughty mouth. And you're on your ass again laughing as he snaps his suspenders, exits stage right, and appears again hauling a huge golden gong.

* OP here - again *
So,thanks guys for the recommendation of the book and for the explain of the movie.
Now,y'all can fight and trolling and things like that.
Thanks folks

I don't want to be dominated like this
I'm not a fuccboi

The movie sucked

It's all about being a plebfilter
You did not pass

>I don't want to be dominated like this
Too late bitch, now go get your collar and leather man-panties on, it's Friday and I'm taking you out.

PTA compared it to Long Goodbye himself.

I hate this
Why does it happen every time

Decent movie, but really empty.
I still consider the master to be PTA's best work of this century.

I'm this guy not him and yes, I know that. That's why I call somebody pulling that comparison to look smart what he is- namely a fucking hipster

there are people on Sup Forums right now whose parents were born in the 1980ies.

>I still consider the master to be PTA's best work of this century.

Obviously. IV is still one of the best movies of the decade so far

Did this movie perhaps have too much depth for you?


Watch it again and you'll be surprised how simple the story actually is.

Delete this.

It's not really simple. In fact, not even everything gets explained by the end.

It's one of the very few interesting american movie of this years

Just like life. :^))))

>Falling down the toilet
>Brigadier Pudding eating shit
>Blicero having weird German sex
>Pedophilia on the cruise ship
>Guy banging his own daughter (sort of)
>Wandering around in a pig costume
>Byron the Bulb
Never fucking ever. GR is too weird to be made

>having a hot dutch girl shit in a dude's mouth
Just have HBO do it. They like edgy stuff like that.

this is not /lit/, bro. These pastas are wasted

>Just have HBO do it.

You forgot when Slothrop banges that cunny on the riverboat.

No I didn't, fuck you

Doc= Don Quixote

Is Slothrop /ourguy/?

So did they make it?

No, Sup Forums is the trained octopus.

Don't forget the mother actress doing bdsm sketches with her daughter, the same little girl Slothrop fucks.

Meh adaptation of a potboiler by an old edgelord long past his prime. Wake me up when someone does Against the Day as a TV series.

Yo tengo que get the fuck outta aqui

Wow, Eric Roberts doesn't get billed when even Martin Short does.

Fantastic film, but nothing in common apart from being a noir film

I fucking love Against the Day. I think it would do well if they could pull it off.

Also they were only published 3 years apart...

everything wants art to be 100% crystal clear. sorry, reality isn't that way (although your perception and assumptions may distort reality to appear to be crystal clear, really all there is is chaos)

>Jesus Christ, I'm a fucking pleb
the thread. see what modern hollywood with capeshit and sequels have done to the movie going audience?

>Inherent Vice (IV) is Pynchon's fourth novel (IV = 4 in Roman numerals)
>V. is Pynchon's fifth novel (V = 5)
Am I the only one who noticed this? It's actually pretty clever.

I believe AtD was probably stitched together from aborted drafts dating from the 70s, Mason & Dixon likewise existed in some form since 1975 but pinceone took twenty years to polish it off.

V. is his first novel, but nice bait, I took it

Except V. was published in 1963, and Inherent Vice came out in 2009.


people will just say anything nowadays to appear to be clever. pretty disgusting desu.

Head on over to /lit/ and hope that ol' Tommy is on to explain it to you

I was born in the 80s.

If you don't have a kid by now who's old enough to post on Sup Forums then you're a failure and should just end yourself.