Other EU countries view of Brexit

You dont hate us for this, right?
It will effect the euro badly.

I voted exit, but I do want to stay on good terms with you guys.

It may be bullshit, but the BBC said most French hate us and want us to leave to punish us.

No worries. French have hated you for centuries now. A remain vote wouldn't have changed that.

True, but I didnt expect the £ to drop so much. Not an economist so I cant tell how terrible it is, but it looks like a very big drop.

>You dont hate us for this, right?

Of course not, I want to see history being made,I don't care about the suffering it creates.

I don't like you, but I'm far from hating you. I'd like Britain to leave the EU, maybe this shit is finally going to fall.

I just want you crash this fucking unholy union of faggots with no survivors.

Also remember to punish the traitors in Gibraltar for voting 96% in favor of remain, proving that they are just a bunch of coin grabbing magpies that don't actually give a shit about the UK and its people.

I support it because the UK was never with its heart in it anyways and this will spur reforms.

>I don't like you
Why not?
I like Poland and Polish people. Lots of people dislike them, but if I was in their boat I would do what they do. They are also good workers.

When is the next referendum on the EU?

Of course not you glorious bastards.
You're opening the path to all of us. We can leave just turkey and Germany in the EU in the near future.

Or maybe reforms will be undertaken and this shitshow of a "union" will get fixed.

Also Darjeeling best girl.

Oh and you can keep those traitorous assholes at Gibraltar.

Eh, don't worry about trying to make everyone like you lad. That's a cat chasing its own tail: it never catches it, and the cat wastes all its energy when it should be hunting mice.

Gibsmedataltar can go fuck itself.
Good taste.

I know not everyone will like us, but thanks to multi culti Europe is in a hard place atm. I want us to get along or risk sinking together. Also I genuinely like several other countries in the EU.

>You dont hate us for this, right?
Depends. I want to move in another European country for good in two years time (and get citizenship as soon as possible) and if Brexit makes the EU disintegrate and fucks the current Freedom of Movement model in any way then I will hold it against all of you Britcucks personally.

EU ruined your country, dont hate us for the EU not lasting 2 years.

>EU ruined your country
Greece ruined itself. Not that you would know anything about that though.

the germans won't let you leave, it's probably rigged

Flee while you can brit

Well with any luck this will dismantle the giant bureaucracy of evil and corruption that is the EU, so I do hope you guys do a brexit.

>Vote against austerity
>Get it anyway
I would argue it was both.

I wish I could afford that.

I honestly don't give a fuck.

The world will keep turning regardless of whether or not the UK is part of the EU. The economy will probably take a hit, but it won't be the disaster the Remain!-camp warns of, nor the "UK number one!"-fantasy the Leave!-camp spins.

At least when you're gone we'll be rid of the constant whining and threats of leaving and insults and ridicule. Bad relationships should end instead of dragging on.

Please tell me the rest of you Brits aren't as insecure as this cuck.

Fuck off. You lied your way into the EU and you're a useless fucking leech. You don't deserve free movement to any other European country until you have cleaned up the mess you've made in your own. You should be happy that Lord Byron doesn't return from the dead to personally assrape each and every one of you for your betrayal. The sooner we get rid of your free movement and your disgusting German financed welfare state the better.

>I would argue it was both.
Greece has been a complete and utter shithole since the country was founded and will continue to be like that forever at this point. The EU didn't need to do anything at all.

Oh and the referendum was one of the biggest jokes in Greek history. Nobody actually understood what the point of it was and what the yes/no actually meant.

Protip: It wasn't really about austerity either.

You are still going to import niggers and mudslimes en masse even if the free movement is gone so why are you so asshurt?

cucky cuck cuck haha black dicks and cucks fuck cuck Louis CucK haha cuck cuck cuck fuck cuck cucky cuck cuck mommy I pooped on the floor and I peed on my poop hehehe hmm booger yummy

if britain exits, entire EU as a concept will collapse imo, a lot of countries will imitate you believing it will solve their problems, starting from the less wealthy ones

France will soon be the caliphate north.

Start getting ready for that war bong anons.

Run you fools.

Your grasp of English is astounding. Are you self-taught?

I love it, you guys can enter the no EU club.

Germany is going to have a shitfit for sure

>a lot of countries will imitate you believing it will solve their problems, starting from the less wealthy ones
Bullshit. The poor countries are the ones who benefit the most from being in the EU. The first to go are likely to be the less populous financial net contributors such as Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark. Sweden and Germany are too politically correct to leave. Of course, the EU is unlikely to continue without the UK.

I think leaving EU is truly based. Good job, lads!

I don't give a shit.
Shatter the higher EU echelon dreams of Federalism.
I also want you to lose Gibraltar because it's fair.

I guess that Norway wealth is not mainly due to being outside EU, but more to your massive oilfields

You seem to confuse foreign politics with local politics. Local politics gain consensus over blaming EU for falling local economy, and this is true in most troubled contries. For example, here a lot of right-wing parties blame Germany for our economic troubles, and they say that leaving EU would be good because we would stop being subordinated to German interests. I personally don't agree with it, but a lot of people does, true or not, because it gives them a chance to see the "bad" outside themselves.

Meh, we are not that dependent on oil(but yes it is a large part of our economy).
And yes, our fishing industry is also very important the EU's regulations eould have destroyed both the oil and fishing industry.

Idiot, everyone hates us already.


You're doing the right thing Britbong. Fuck the commie EU and the Jews that are trying to flood your nation with mudslimes.

Get off Sup Forums Caligula

>most French hate us and want us to leave to punish us

That's only what socialist politicians think. Of course they don't want to see any country leaving their precious authoritarian union.

Make no mistake, many Frenchmen want to see that fucking union crash with no survivors. And the UK leaving it would start the fire.

the one hating you are the lefties and pussies, the True Frenchs want to follow your path in the Frexit

Godspeed with your exit Frenchbros.

Not gonna happen. Even in the shittiest countries they know how much money they get from the EU. As long as EU doesn't do anything radical, like forcing them to take in immigrants (which EU has failed with so far) they're going to stick around. And please stop pretending like Italy is about to leave the EU. You'll stay around as long as the reichsmarks keep coming in.


Senpai I love you. Brexit is the begining of the end of EU.

I just want to watch britcucks suffer.

Hate you? No, I envy you. You're taking back your national sovereignty; something anyone should support.

Why would you WANT the French to like you?

Whatever they were centuries ago, they're lazy hypocritical cowards now.

I really do hope you guys make the right decisions. Afterwards the U.S should Annex all the commonwealth after the glorious installment of Donald J. Trump. But if you vote to remain will the E.U masters come down hard on you for trying to leave? More immigrants more rape cleansing?

>And please stop pretending like Italy is about to leave the EU

I know well, but as I already said, it's political propaganda. I doesn't have to be true, it has to recruit votes.

You give us hope. We went in with you hopefully we will leave with you.

At least you are allowed to vote

Votes? What are you talking about? You're not having an election.