Apologize to India. You have all been brainwashed by memes

Apologize to India. You have all been brainwashed by memes.


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What the fuck

open boob

Holy shit...

This is white privilage, all you have to do is be European decent and say nice stuff about India on camera and millions of Indians will give you views and ad revenue.


I lived in France for a year and the only person who was racist to me was a poo in the loo
He got super buttblasted when I congratulated him for taking a shit in the toilet and not on the streets though

That discussion of rape statistics, geebus, it's like she's going one by one answering every post in an India poo thread.

>You have all been brainwashed by memes.
I've been there. It might not be all terrible, but a great deal of the country is a garbage dump where the people living in it have no respect for anything that isn't their property. Public spaces are just an area people dump rubbish on, the entire government and police mechanism for running society is so corrupt it's basically not working and parts of it are so polluted it's knocking decades off people's lives.

we are sorry india

This is not india, why aren´t they singing and doing choreography?
And why the girl talks like a robot from the future?

I want to fuck that Swami







Do you have some pics of the ash-skinned canibals?

It probably worked on her

Buttblasted, isn't that normal?

Calm down Paco, La Llorona is all the way in India

If I can't eat food from street vendor without having explosive diarrhea for 5 days it is a shithole. Also, it has a lot of fucking slums (17% of the urban population) and in the villages they still have fucked up punishments like raping the sister of a rapist. Not to mention they have a ton of goverment employees who expect bribes.

Also, she's a moron if she thinks no one knew about India before Slumdog Millionaire.

>And why the girl talks like a robot from the future?
I don't know, she sounds Indian but says she's not from there. I think they just found some white looking Indian girl from the Northwest and made a tourism video.

goddamn that accent makes me sick, she sounds so fucking annoying.

Uff ave maria purisima menos mal, many thank gringo

Pretty much. Hopefully no one is eating as this gets bad.




This one is written by an Indian


This happened with my father when he was in India, one fucking week sick

>indian army and government unironically think they will win a war against china


My cousin's husband when he was an army officer was sent there and one of the guys ate street food and spent the whole time in his hotel room. They had been given diarrhea medicine before and everyone just gave him all of theirs.

>Do you have some pics of the ash-skinned canibals?
I used to have some for shit posting. They had their dicks out and we're doing something else really gross.

watch from 15.00 onward

dis is iiiiindia, uu hav probabli höörd wrong iiindia is a driiiving cuntri

She's going to end up being raped by pajeet only because she wanted yous

what the fuck. still better than Mormons though



INDIA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPAIN


this is true tho


After the ritual the guy says. hes murdered 7 people and if you mess with him he will cut your head off in seconds. Also brags he has not been hanged or prosecuted etc.

thanks for the rec on madventures though, watching their ex-cccp episode and its quite good

any other ones worth watching?

Season 3 is in english.

1-2 is finnish.

Ï'd say they're all pretty interesting but you might want to find season3 with english subs. The ones in youtube seem to have finnish subs for the other language parts. Season 1-2 are old as fuck and you probably wont find them with english subs.

Delusional woman.

The same people that send rockets to mars.

Is her accent Indian?

hmm. now I can't see the Indians here normally.

What the actual fuck??????

You had it coming


Oh, I thought it was

Indians are one of the most deluded and nationalistic people in the world followed by arabs and turks.
If you mention Goa to them they go apeshit


as a specialist in memes I think one should invest in this one

>fake indian english accent

white people truly do not understand how patronizing they are.

she reminds me shibe for some reason

Smart women don't exi-

is she a deep undercover shit poster?


>tries to dispel indian stereotypes
>comment section full of "open bob" and "rap u next week"

Sorry I have friends who've been to India. It is poor, dirty, unhygienic, relatively safe, the food nice and the people are nice.

her pseudo indian accent is absolutely ridiculous

she is Polish ffs

That's just a Polish accent I think

What comes to my mind when I imagine India is curry and poop, seriously

She sounds like she's doing an impression of Apu from the Simpsons ffs

Definitely not a polish accent, polish is a slavic language and to most anglos there accents sounds similar to russians in english

is right on the money

To me Slavs sound like they have vampire accents.


>ready steady po(o)
>rohit shetty

what comes to my mind when I think of india is poop and telephone fraudsters posing as IRS

cannot unsee

So her husband is an Indian. She probably learned "English" from him which is why she sounds so weird.