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Latin America, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Africa; should join as one people. The BROWN PEOPLE'S UNION.

And Greece too.

I don't know what this means.

what do these even mean

USA too.


Still doesn't explain what the terms mean

Do you have a link to the explanation for this shit? It seems awfully vague

memes aside, it doesn't make sense for the US and Canada to be at opposite ends, much less than immigrant nations should be the extremes.

the bottom one doesn't mean an extremity.
it's continuous to the top one.


>Denmark, Ireland, Australia
good group of countries

Except Chile and South Africa, they are purple, eewwwww


thanks m8

proof that finns are swedes

>Red = Chad
>Blue = Beta
>Yellow = Wizard

interesting map

>Extremely Chink

Canada is 4.5% chink, there are more 6 ethnic groups more populous in Canada. Australia is a whole 0.2% less chink and yet is listed as Germanic?

Do you idiots actually bother researching ANYTHING before you make these retarded images or do you just let the memes guide you?

t. Zhang

Glad to see you survived the boat trip, Muhammad.


Fuck these are really good. When you compared these to your foreign coworkers, this shit is spot on.

Good thread m80000


Chile, as ALWAYS the special snowflake

>all blue areas love big brown men
rly made me think