But would you smash it?
But would you smash it?
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fuck yes
really looks like ariel pink in this one
Damn right I would, i'd drink her piss all warm and foamy like
Depends on what her hairs looking like. She can get really cute or really ugly based on how she's wearing her hair this week, and her body isn't good enough to make up for some of the wack ass doos she rocks.
fuck yes
listen to music of no
most of her music is boring af imo
I mean yeah but that doesn't make her music any good like the autists on here pretend
She's also like 35 now
Hell no.
With a car compactor, yes
i'd smash anything bruv
She's almost 30. Doesn't bother me, I actually am 35.
The only proper answer
Can we be friends
Yes Claire has good genes. This is good.
she's sexy
>most of her music is boring af imo
seriously? how the fuck her adhd music is even remotely boring? you must be baiting.
I enjoy her singing
only doggy and with a paper bag on her head in case she looks back
no but i would hug and cuddle her and give her encouragement for her various projects
I'd rather just hug her and smell her hair desu. She's looks pretty clean and hygenic now she's a pop star and in Vogue and shizz.
No but I would wait for her in the cuck shed and bring them cold drinks after.