
we're the bad guys, aren't we? edition

good edition

First for nuke Israel


I want my anglo bf now

Bad guys get cooler costumes.


sheev did nothing wrong



Can the yank not accept that the hamdog thing just ISNT funny? its infantile babyish yank humour

Wow gay

Look at my cool 120 yold medal

>You throw like a girl

where the fuck is janny?

Hey post toot

I'm speechless. To my fellow american friends, you need to get rid of this man as soon as possible or he will turn the United States into the fourth Reich. I'm not kidding.

shan't be posting in your thread, yank

>he will never feel the comfort of your pet sleeping against him
I feel sad for you

Hello, are you my anglo bf?

Post it

Shagging yank bitches as an alpha English guy is pretty fun and I recommended you all indulge in this experience at least once in your life

What's it for

they're all different threads you spastic retard

fuck off janny jr.

hey post fat bugs

Bumming cats

Why would you fuck with the sanctity of the hamburger

Attending a house party on Saturday. Not going to drink more than on can of dark fruits

hamdog thread was not popular

Apparently made for a marriage


Huguette Marcelle Clark was an American heiress.

Over the years, she developed a distrust of outsiders.

She preferred to conduct all of her conversations in French so that others were unlikely to understand the discussion

She became a recluse, living in a hospital while her mansions remained empty.

Caretakers at her three mansions had not seen her in decades.

Some of the possessions left at the mansions included 1709 violin made by Antonio Stradivari, and a Renoir painting.

Upon her death at 104 in 2011, Clark left behind a fortune of more than $300 million. She had no children.

Fat cunt

That parasite is still here :(

At least there were people as autistic as i am in the past too


Think I'm more Norman and celt than Anglo aha x
Hope you don't mind x

(((he))) is the reason why this general became too shit



bellyful of kittens?
oh my word

Is it dead?

100% brythonic celt me

Ought to punt this grossly oversized vermin over a goal post

Then we have some pretty compatible genes


Hating the parasite state of israel and his symphatizers doesn't make me an antisemite

might start going by my middle name instead of my first name

cute cat ur a lucky guy

is it preggers?

100% Celto-Romano-Germanic here

Fuck katz and fuck Mexicans

Hey post it (。•̀ᴗ-)


Literally stayed up all night playing rocket league

100% GAELIC celt (not the guy brythonic kind)

You can be my bf if you are 177+cm tall

I prefer the monkey poster than the zionist fag

>how the east germans had to make their traditional helmet less stahlhelmety
made me do a triple–check with its image on Wiki and I've come to the conclusion that it's correct:
genuinely provoked electricity inside of my pot above my neck.

Henrietta "Hetty" Green was nicknamed the "Witch of Wall Street" and "the richest woman in America".

Her net-worth was the equivalent $4.4 billion in 2017, making her arguably the richest woman in the world at the time

The City of New York came to Green for loans to keep the city afloat on several occasions

Hetty Green's stinginess and miserliness was legendary.

She was said never to turn on the heat or use hot water. Green spent half a night searching her carriage for a lost stamp worth two cents.

She would travel thousands of miles alone to collect a debt of a few hundred dollars.

When her son Ned broke his leg as a child, Hetty tried to have him admitted to a free clinic for the poor.

All I do is win, win, win no matter what
Got money on my mind, I can never get enough
And every time I step up in the building
Everybody hands go up
And they stay there, and they stay there
And they stay there, up, down, up, down, up, down
Cause all I do is win, win, win
And if you going in put your hands in the air, make 'em stay there!


I am a kike so fuck off and go back to /cum/ beto


david duke is a CIA agent

He knows i AM refering to him. Now post it or seriously fuck off

I'm 5ft 11

What, do you think im a spouter of lies?

still aesthetic

R8 my ancestry /brit/

not of my concern

This helmet is a piece of rubbish, it's better not using anything



hello nigger

tea with milk but no sugar is better than i expected

You are /Brit/'s worst poster

Sorry I'm too dumb to know those flags. Are they french colonies?


he posts his shit relatives but not toot -_-

never have sugar

Heard some fucking wanker know it all cunt in the Turkish barbers the other day adamantly tell the Turkish workers there that Turkey was apart of the Soviet Union over and over again. The Turk denied it at first and then just said "yeah bro maybe so my historys not so good" just to hear this gimpish cunt give over.

Fuckign despise people like that, just wanted to grab that razor and fucking go for him, it really makes my blood boil.

The flags are half French half Regions

>being a br*ton

Looks like he divided the flags by the time period. Flag of the monarchy with the flag of the republic

Would post my ancestry but it's so white it would burn out your eyes

Yanks are the scum of the earth


whats wrong with it? shut your mouth you fucking ape

'Billy no mates' must be the most hurtful thing people say, even when they don't mean it.

My dad used to call me 'Billy no mates' EVERY DAY because I would always go to play football by myself.

I snapped one day
I then started running around the house screaching loudly and kicking the ball as hard at his plate collections as I could while yelling 'DADDY SMASHED PLATES'

He grabbed me and smacked the shit out of me
I was 23 at the time

I deserved it but it was his fault.

>Would post my ancestry but it's so white it would burn out your eyes

Have a nipple


(((he's))) still here :(

When exactly did the "that's so white" brand of joke originate? I feel like that's exactly when things overstepped the line desu

Was thinking about this story earlier today randomly at work

This did not happen to you


can the spic stop spamming his vendetta

>no ear protection
>totally not ergonomic
>to large
You fucking farmer, did the famine made you this stupid?

You are stupid and dumb

Post willy