Estonian """"""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""

>estonian """"""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""

Wait why should I believe that's a man.

is just one Estonian who is like that, the rest are manly as hell, I'm sure about it

I will choke you, if you continue to bully my estonian. Leave him alone!

Excuse me, estonian boys are property of swedish men only.

You just appeared out of nowhere, poor little swede. This estonian is mine for months now.

You brash, impulsive muscovite. I have been monitoring these threads for as long as they have existed, waiting for the right time to strike.

Fuck off. Estonian chicks (male) belong to Finnish dicks.

Does the more " you add enhance the point you're making?

That is right.

Oh, surely you jest...?

Then, you should know how close I live to this Estonian. I can practically peek into his window whenever I feel like. He won't even know...

>it's another chapter of weird people thinking and old guy is a femboy

Good to know

As can I. It's a short trip over the baltic sea.
Perhaps we should meet, and decide who truly owns him?

Ha! Why would I jest?

End yourself faggot

*blockerar din väg*

*kills the faggot*

Come alone.

/balt/ was a mistake


Fuck off back to /balt/. We are separate entity

lol white people

Let sven have one thing what he likes. They have hard times now

Stupid homo, lay down dead forever.

He can watch. But he can't touch. Even I don't dare to touch this pure estonian boy. He is too perfect.

*kills you in revenge*
the estonian is mine and you can't do anything about it.

Stop being a disgusting homo idiot, remove yourself from earth

You can't even find him, silly swede. You aren't a threat, actually. But here's a (you) for trying!

Is he in a church? Why?

There is nothing more manly than dominating a man from another tribe.
He is already mine. Notice how he isn't here, responding to anything? It's because I have him locked up in a safe place, far away from any rus that might attempt to steal him away with vile influences.

That's false, he is at his home. Stop your lies, swede, this information I can confirm at any time.

Still no sauce.
You're not here to discuss international politics, just post the damn sauce.

>Is he in a church? Why?
When his brother left him he needed guidance and found that the church didn't help him, never will.
>There is nothing more manly than dominating a man from another tribe.

End yourself clown


He has a new home at my bunker. Pic related, you will never find him again.

Lies. You lost your (You) privilege, swede.

Prove me wrong then, you petty mongol-slav. Show me where this estonian boy is, if not safely in my bunker.

>You will never be a world class athlete
>You will never have your pick of the genetic elite of all humanity
>You will never have kids who get to choose between 4 different countries to pwn the Olympics for

>show to the thieves where your valuables are
Come on swede, I'm not that dumb

>this fucking disgusting sw*de continues with his retarded homostuff

Nuke my nation, can't stand people like him.

>ywn tie up a qt estonian and have him completely at your mercy

Your unwillingness to provide proof only solidifies my belief that you are bluffing.
Göm tråden.

oh wow, we used to be known as BRAVO ESTONIA and now we're known as qt estonian gf (male)

gosh I hate my countrymen

Oh shit I guess I left the internet on in my bunker.

Sorry to hear and sorry that there is a retarded fat swede roleplaying with the homos and lusting for idiot shit.

>han stannar i tråden

Waiting until you doxx yourself so I will come and delete you from earth

Gays out!

I don't believe you until you post sauce!

Hot japanese boys OwO

there's literally nothing wrong with sucking feminine dicks

> said no stragiht man ever



I wonder who is going to be the boss of this gym

You're making nofap very difficult

Can't blame him though.