Can a single person tell me why leave is better than remain without spamming ebin memes and reaction images?

Can a single person tell me why leave is better than remain without spamming ebin memes and reaction images?

It seems leave is all memespouting retards, anime watching NEETs, and uneducated xenophobic racists.

Stop spamming anime pictures like fucking retards and realize how stupid you're acting. You're just regurgitating the same retarded vitriol without even have an understanding of how this would negatively affect the country.

Other urls found in this thread:

Less immigration and "peaceful" refugees

That is the only reason anybody needs.


Nobody gives a shit what you think you fucking cuck Democrat. Sovereignty is enough of a reason for all ACTUAL Britons.


So you're tinfoil hat xenophobes then? Got it

To preserve a national identity. You can argue about the fewer regulations, it's mostly the former. Also, to shit all over that fucking fat cunt Merkel's face.

It will trigger the full force of the Right Wing political shift across the Western World. Why else m80?

wot a wanker! knob end! blighter oy mate.

It's already been told.

>Not liking immigration and refugees is tinfoil to leftists

"I want a serious discussion without memes, here's an epic photoshop meme photo to kick things off."

can anyone tell me why you faggots don't use the sticky?

Why would any sovereign nation want to be ruled by a bunch of faggy dutch bureaucrats? I don't understand how anyone would want to be part of the EU. Some free trade benefits? At the cost of sovereignty and national identity? Seems like a bad deal senpai.

Imagine OP, if we formed a North American Union, and all the decisions on migration, labour, etc were made in Tijuana.

I firmly believe that this will make or break Trump's odds.

>I want to have a serious discussion but I don't even care enough to open my fucking eyes

Oi, you cheeky cunt! If the Queen approves leaving the EU, then so be it!

>uneducated xenophobic racists


I voted leave because something has to about immigration

Fuck globalism.

Actually it wouldn't mean that at all. It would just mean Britain would have their national sovereignty back. Right now Britain is a puppet state of Brussels.

>less immigration
less white slav immigration and more immigrants from the commonwealths like pakistan and india.

Why is xenophobia bad, you retard -- the migrants coming to the UK are scary and you ought to be afraid of them. They're medieval barbarians with a scary desert death religion.

And right now the EU is flooding its member countries with uncontrolled immigration

Lol fuck off mate

even if you are pro stay you cant vote

You should remain, think about it lads. German scat porn without tariffs. I know Inselaffen love this shit.

user don't be hateful

>It seems leave is all memespouting retards, anime watching NEETs, and uneducated xenophobic racists.
It is.

How about you give 1 reason that third world immigration helps a first world country.

Just 1.

>I'm going to fuck up the whole economy and job market because "m-muh terrorists" killed .00001% of the population!!
Do you not understand the whole point of terrorism is to make people fearful and make them to make irrational decisions and to cause internal turmoil between low income racists and the 99.9999% of muslims that are innocent but are being blamed for something they had nothing to do with?

It enriches the (((globalists))) with cheap labor

>1 result
This is a redditor pretending to be a troll, do not reply seriously, unless it's a shitpost.

>"If we don't let millions of Muslims in and do exactly as they say they'll keep killing us"

>*please no one rescue Britain when they're starving*
>*please no one lift a finger when Putin annexes them*
>*please no one take British refugees away from britain*

Keep up the good work leave. YOU CAN DO EET!

keep the thread alive OP, i'm having a bath but when i get back i can look for a few paragraphs i wrote earlier that are now archived.

Cultural """""""enrichment"""""""

>Implying the UK job market and economy won't be better off

to put it in americlap terms its basically like a state succeeding after taking too much bullshit from the federal government

umm independence? what more do you need.

According to economists, immigration is good because it supplies a market with more buyers.

However what we have seen over the last decade is that not all immigrants are the same. Some come and are useful for the countries they move to. Others are nothing but cancerous leaches. Economists still believe that immigration is good, so we have "Syrian refugees" coming in to save the west

>American flag
>Not knowing why being a sovereign nation is better than bending over to your overlords

May your chains weigh lightly on your shoulders, you fucking twat.


wye aye lad

No, we just ignore them because terrorism is such a nonissue, and less than .1% of gun deaths (which are extremely rare to begin with) are from terrorism

This is completely false. The EU is the absolute inverse of the federal government in this country.

>immigration is good because it supplies a market with more buyers
not when the government is using tax money to support them.
this is currently happening in America
our growth can't keep up with the gib me dems government programs.
Obama is the only president that didn't see 3%+ growth in the history of the US.

"We are too weak to make trade deals & survive on our own, must be apart of the collective. Plus Soros, Obama, Merkel, & Löfven want us to stay..." #Remain

Enjoy sleeping in that bed you made with the thread count of about 27 or 28, I'll take a look tonight and give you an accurate number tomorrow.


So, you side with the creatures who believe that death should be the penalty for homosexualty, adultery and atheism?

>No, we just ignore them because terrorism is such a nonissue

Yes, because only bigoted racist losers have problems with the lurking fear that the next time they visit a public place they'll be blown or shot to pieces - I mean really, if Iraqis can deal with car bombs in Baghdad every weekend why can't white people baka

>i'm having a bath
Underage b&

this. op is the ultimate cuck. must be from either colorado, washington, or california.


That's the thing, you're thousands of times more likely of dying in a car accident than a terrorist attack.

Your fears are entirely misplaced and you're a fucking retard.

>According to economists

Is there any overlap between the "economists" that told us the financial industry would "just regulate itself bro" and the ones insisting that immigration is always a net positive?

England is bound to EU laws, policies, and regulations, no matter what their politicians or constituents want. It's about basic freedom. The people have no say in what happens and the UK is bound to Merkel's wishes.

>"peaceful" refugees
>implying the post Brexit immigration plan litterally isn't to put white Europeans in line with Abdullah and Ntenga, because that is "fairer"

More or less all the leading business representatives who make the jobs are in favor of staying

>That's the thing, you're thousands of times more likely of dying in a car accident than a terrorist attack.

And? It's strange, Islamic terrorism was never a problem in the past for most of the West - it's almost as if inviting large numbers of Muslim immigrants has brought Third World problems to the First World!

There is no justifiable reason to oppose all forms of immigration, even if a small percentage of immigrants are criminals.

It's not just in America, same thing in Canada. And we already support those lazy ass natives. I'm sure it's even worse in the eu. Half of those countries have welfare better then North america

Thats because they can use cheap imported labor when they are in the eu

Its why all the traitor fucks are against building a wall between mexico and the us

>Can a single person tell me why leave is better than remain

Leaving won't stop Remainers being able to see any desired policies enacted - it will simply come down to whichever party wins the UK general election.

Remaining will see Leavers hamstrung by having the EU block or undermine many policies they vote for in UK general elections.

That's the heart of the issue. All the hyperbole about how 'Voting Leave/Remain = closed borders/open borders, end of NHS etc' is shameless bullshit.

Outside of the EU British policy would be decided by the British alone. Inside the EU and 'British' policy is subject to approval by unelected foreigners.

The Remainers - apart from a tiny, honest, minority who genuinely want an eventual European superstate - are voting to see their countrymen and ideological opponents disenfranchised by the Brussels bureaucrats and career politician hacks who are (like them) overwhelmingly left wing, multiculturalist, and globalist.

I'd imagine there is plenty of overlap. Economics isn't an exact science.

>implying most of them didn't come to Britain and Europe before the EU even existed

Of course not

You have to regulate it smartly instead of just flooding immigrants and refugees everywhere

Or maybe the regions ISIS and such are active in going down the shitter had something to do with it?

It's not like European corporations will stop selling to the UK. That's asinine. It's one of their largest markets. The UK will trade with the Commonwealth nations like Canada and Australia who can provide more than enough, along with the US who I imagine under Trump would favor the UK over chinks.

>uneducated >retard >NEET >racist
Into the trash it goes.

UK's GDP per capita is a joke compared to European countries that aren't in the EU. Immigration is causing too many issues and the demand for houses is causing massive inflation in the market to the point many Brit-friends can't afford homes. Leaving the EU will stop the immigration into the UK, give the country time to recover its economy, secure trade with new areas, as well as enter into the EU free market, leading to higher wages and more money for the people of the UK. The list goes on, but I kept it simple for you since you're my fellow American, therefore you're most likely a retard.

Why should Britain surrender it's sovereignty to some cabal in Brussels?

None for you, but some fat fuck in EU probably gets loads of dosh for fulfilling quotas.
>Putin annexes anyone ever
Large part of oligarchy have property in Britain or even their children in there. So no, it won't happen.

Please fuck off with that bullshit.

Why on earth would you want to be in an alliance with people who nearly tore the world apart and terrorized your people just a few decades ago?
Why would you want to be a slave to the whims of politicians of another country who you have no control over?
Why would you want to waste billions every year propping up shitty countries instead of investing that in your own people?

For fucks sake they're bringing TURKEY into the EU. The country that has been oppressing, raping, and slaughtering innocents for fucking centuries.

I hope Germans get what's coming to them.


The potential economic repercussions pale in comparison to the threats of danger many Brits are experiencing.

>Why should Britain surrender it's sovereignty to some cabal in Brussels?

Exactly. If the EU were anywhere as wonderful as it's fanatical ideologues insist every single Goddamned country in the world would be begging for membership without any preconditions.

It's a good deal for the establishment which is why they support it almost universally. Not such a good deal for the common man which is why it had to be created piece by piece, lie by lie - assembled under the guise of a 'free trade area' and then with promises that there would be no 'political union' and then with the multiple national referenda ignored.

If you actually look into the field the predictions they make are based on elegant models that are so abstract and simplified that they don't capture a fraction of whatever they're trying to model.

Which leads to conclusions that there'll be no real harm done to the UK if it decides to import one million Pakistanis or one million Germans if both groups had equivalent skills

No one is opposing "all forms of immigration." In your warped, white leftist mind, everyone and everything is equal, but you believe that we need to change to be more like everyone else.

Which do you want:

A) Progressive, anti-racist society
B) Women and gays treated as second-class citizens

You can only choose one. That's the reality.



*progressive, racist society

Or maybe you're a stupid drone brainwashed by the media who is concerned by a nonissue when you're thousands of times more likely to die of cancer or heart disease or a car accident

>when you're thousands of times more likely to die of cancer or heart disease or a car accident

What is risk mitigation.

Look at cars. Most nations have driver's licenses, safety requirements for manufactured/imported cars, speed limits etc to reduce the risk of injury or death by driving. No-one goes "lol well you're still more likely to die of cancer than a car crash, who cares about speed limits or airbags lmao"

It's the same with terrorism. Less Muslims = lower risk of Islamic terrorism.


look fuckboi, you don't have to be uneducated to be a xenophobic racist. in fact, most cultures are(other than whites), so don't disrespect them you bigot.

>Imagine OP, if we formed a North American Union, and all the decisions on migration, labour, etc were made in Tijuana.

or even worse...

whoa nice sauce

The left doesn't care about gays anymore because they're too privileged. They're evil cis white males and once they got their marriage they moved on to transkin.

Convincing the left to embrace globalism because of "muh racism" and under the false cover of internationalism is the biggest coup of the international financial classes.

I cannot remember whether it was Marx, or Lenin, or even Britain's Labour party in her early socialist days, but one of them noted quite clearly that nationalism - in oppressed nations [Ireland was an example] - was completely justifiable, and that masking imperialism with internationalism was a tactic of the elite. In nearly a century we have learned nothing, except to abandon even the token care for the natives that imperialism required.

But because we're exploiting them by bullying them economically, instead of at gunpoint, and they have notional independence on paper, the left buy into it. They can imagine we are equal trading partners when in reality we've simply refactored our exploitation.

To hell with the lot of them. Idiots who embrace neoliberal economics but consider themselves left-wing because they aren't racists. To say they were suffering false consciousness would be to imply they had any consciousness at all.

>Establishment in favouring status quo shock

Are the leading business representatives who 'make the jobs' in Japan, USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore etc all clamouring for their nations to join the EU? No? Then that might be a hint as to how essential EU membership is for a business to be successful and an economy to be thrive.

Remaining provides a 'sure thing' - it may be a shitty, or at least less than great, 'sure thing' but it's a known. Leaving (even if you're sane enough to ignore the more retarded predictions of doom) is a bit of an unknown so it's completely predictable that those who have money in their pockets and have best adapted to the status quo would be in favour of it's maintenance.

it literally doesn't matter either way but britains want something to be proud of

also idk anything about britains involvement with the european central bank but it's probably not really paying off the way they wanted it to so....

Are you a fucking sjw if not then you fucking know why refugees are bad for the country

They are a bunch of unelected people who bait us with benefits but ultimately meddle with our affairs with the endgoal of globalism

this is a good, succinct post and you should fel good

desu i wouldn't sign up for that either.


they wouldn't be NEETS if immigrates did have their jobs
