White hispanics

Alright guys, I'm over here in the UK we don't have many Mexicans but I've heard people saying Mexicans are bringing the white back to America

To what extent is this statement true?

Absolutely false, girls like in your picture are Argentine models hired by our tv stations. Mexicans are overwhelmingly Amerindian.

they have some white protestant fundies living in closed communities but that's it

That's a shame

No such thing, white boi

>white hispanics


Blonde Mexicans are probably one in a thousand.

There are no blonde Mexicans. So, more like 0 in 130 million.

But there are German and Polish Mexicans, are there not?

Why the fuck do Ameritards regard them as white then?

Dunno, lol

>white hispanics

Is that supposed to be a poetic device like cold fire and white night?

Because Americans are brown spics that want to be white.
Pic would be considered white there.

There's some few nordic types like pictured, I guess because of them

Too pale for us, this white man has to go back to Bolivia, the land of Thor, vikings and shet.

m-maybe if enough spics get BLEACHED they can start to resemble whites... r-right?

There are a lot of "White" Mexicans, wether they like it or not. Mexico has a huge European influence and a lot of European blood flowing through their veins.

Amerindian....they have a lot of them but to be honest they don't have the same influence and importance. Deal with the truth Mexicans, your racist as fuck.

Sure Amigo, we are more than willing

> Tfw no Mexican immigrants



Anything is better than the Chinese right?

Biggest load of horseshit I have heard all week. Mexicans coming to the US are overwhelmingly (99%) "indio", i.e. 5' brown, uneducated migrant laborers who cannot and will not learn English or assimilate.

No idea where you would have heard this nonsense but it is almost the equivalent of me saying Pakis and Indians are bringing the white back to Britain.

This is what the average Mexican I see looks like (though usually with a leafblower or weedwacker in hand).

Too pale for us, this white man has to stay there and make your country white again.

We may not be the prettiest people but we are hard working

Your census says "non Hispanic white" which implies Hispanics are counted as white

this 2bh
ther are indeed a lot of white people, still they are a minority and usually are like the spaniard white, so not really a very pale skin
there are some blonde people, redheads and people with blue eyes, but these are very rare

there's was a blonde girl with blue eyes and a guy with blond hair and brown eyes at my high school, in my city there's like 1 million people living, i'm pretty sure that these kind of people don't pass the 200,000 of population in all mexico, idk

there are menonites here that are full blonde, just sayin'

About 50% of Hispanics are counted as white, yes. But that is through self-identification.

meh Americans consider anything that's a vague mix of caucassian to be white

Anything that boosts the 50% is ok

that's really because you don't have a therm for mestizo really, most mexicans identify themselves like that, like if mestizo (translates to race-mixed) is an actual race, not as like: "oh look! i'm half white and half amerindian, i have culture of both races!" no, that's why most of them put themselves as like other race or like race-mixed

>don't pass the 200,000 of population in all mexico
Tampoco te pases, en donde vives? Oaxaca?

The Chinese aren't actually all that bad really. We're pretty fortunate when it comes to immigrants.

yeah, maybe I exaggerated, sorry for that, but I seriously have no idea how many blonde people are in Mexico
also, if you had extra flags, you would see where i am from

So Hispanic and black crimes are even more overrepresented than I thought

Not really when you account for racist law enforcement.

migrants, including illegals, commit far less crimes than the general population, even with police bias.

Most blacks aren't migrants

Oh, I'm just talking about my people

Technically illegals are committing a crime simply being there :^)

White Hispanics come from all central and south America. Not only Mexico...

Only dumb fuck human rights violating regimes make something like that a crime.

Oh shit, they are awake... I mean by all means my dear South Brazilian friend please tell us all about how wonderfully germanic your country is.

>bringing the white back to America
That's really dumb, user. You got memed.
Nobody is white in the USA.

>Oh shit, they are awake...
08 am. I am already working.
>please tell us all about how wonderfully germanic your country is.
Is not. But we like to keep our pride.

Calm down José just stating the facts

>One Drop Rule
That's wrong. We just got tired of arguing with every spic who would insist that he's white, simply because he's not black.
He's not black, so he must be white. This is how these retards think.

>human rights violating regimes
The right to violate a foreign nation's sovereignty? That's a new one.

Why are Mexicans so offended by the rule of law? Are you jealous that some societies actually have a semblance of civility?

And now the Klansman awakens, if you want to get technical the one drop rule never did historically aply to Mexicans or Amerindians but hey, it's not like aplying it to black people in the first place wasn't one of your nations worst historic crimes.

The technicalities of Jim Crow and slavery aside we wouldn't want to get details on racial clasifications wrong.

Hey! Keep it civil this is a PG-13 thread

What civility gringo? if you people weren't violatting your own drug laws we wouldn't have a violence problem here.

Individuals can't violate a nation's sovereignity dumb fuck, that's not how it works.

A fake term, it's like saying orange banana

Chinese are far from being the worse minority, even they crime is inwards and when they integrate they do so fully.

or white american

White Americans are white

hispanic should only be used for Hispania (Spain and portugal) imo
latino for actual latin americans

What the hell? Why do they do this?