Sister's apartment gets robbed

>sister's apartment gets robbed
>next night
>asks me to come over because she's scared and can't sleep
>watch true blood together
>I hate true blood
>she starts rubbing my leg
>grabs my dick
>we start kissing
>we have sex
Why the fuck do people buy into the vampire fad?

Other urls found in this thread:

Post pics of sister before I can clarify this as hawt

She probably being a racist white woman assumed the robber was black. Which explains her arousal. Too bad she had to settle for a dicklet instead of getting some proper BBC.

I am so angry. You are all worshiping this women- This devil of the lands- because she is 'cute'. She is 'attractive'. You seem to have come to believe that this makes her actions acceptable. But I say, fuck this fucking piece Russian blonde wriggling earthworm for what she has done.

I will fucking go to the Crimea and I will rape her. I will pin her to the floor with my powerful Ukrainian arms. In my eyes she will see the pain we have suffered because of Russia. She will see my dead countrymen. My semen will pump into her. I will say to her

'This will not be cold like your Russian borscht'
'This will not be graceful like your Russian ballet'
'Your opening is as nice as one at the Sochi Olympics' I will say as I delicately rub my cock on her pussy lips.Maybe she will think the rape will not hurt. She will be wrong. I will lull her into a false sense of security

I will thrust my cock into her, then I will say

'Pretend my cock is the world cup of 2018, being given to a Russian when they don't deserve'
She will weep and beg my fucking Ukrainian force for resistance

I will leak as much premature cum as possible

Then I can say 'Your cunt is already full of my cum, so it belongs to my cum.'

Obama cannot offer sanctions to prevent me from doing what I am about to do
I am the invader now

I will fucking murder he through the force of my cock. Whenever the bell of my end pulsates she will scream.
I will ask her if she wants to vote for whether my cock joins her pussy. She will beg for the vote in her desperation. I will say OK. Then I will say

'Vote is over. 98% of my cum wants to be inside your pussy'

And I will continue to rape her.I will tear her pussy away from her with my hand and say 'autonomous now' then glue to my cock. It is part of my cock
Then I will fucking murder her. I will post her body on here for you all to wank your chubby fingered cocks to.

Fuck her. She is a disgrace. She betrayed this nation.

>why do I even come to Sup Forums

ITT:stories that never happened.

I just wanted to talk about vampires

why is she so perfect bros



delete this, not even meming this is abhorrent



>when a ukrainian sees a black person

Guys can we get back to the point


Your fucking fault for choosing that OP pic, son
This thread has been annexed by Russia now


That's not her


Good thing she's Russian.

You delete this right now faggot


>like 6 seasons
>jessica never does a nude scene

yes it is

Nigger that's not my sister

yes it is thats me in the pic

Good boy, fuck this stupid whore.


So fucking what?

so its your sister, i posted it next to my face to prove it

so you were the one that robbed your sister?

Why the fuck do I come here

No i didn't Rob my sister



I want to _____ your sister.


James Bond Cheeseburger

She's a big girl


>implying there's a difference

But i am black and friends with a 27 year old girl. We talk often.

She doesnt like race mixing though.
